
Working group on urban development and open space planning: City center advisory council and "conversion regulations

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On April 28, 2023, the Urban Development and Open Space Planning Working Group convened at the Parks Department in Frankfurt/Main. The first item on the agenda was an exchange of views on the City Center Advisory Council.

Federal Minister of Construction Klara Geywitz has appointed the Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK), the Association of German Architects (BDA) and the bdla as representatives of the planning professions to the Inner City Advisory Council. The goal of the advisory board is to develop a handout for municipalities based on the inner city strategy of the Inner City Advisory Board. Topics addressed by the Advisory Council include "Real Experiments in Downtown Development" and "Large Properties in Downtown Development." The working group endorses the activities of the Downtown Advisory Council.

The reform of the model building code was also discussed. The BAK will submit its own reform proposal for this, a so-called "conversion ordinance". For this purpose, a synopsis was prepared with proposals for changing the model building code to a conversion code. Parts of the legal formulations of the bdla for the anchoring of the FGP were fortunately included in the draft of the conversion regulations.

Within the BAK, a discussion is currently taking place, among other things, on the definition of a reserved task for urban planners with regard to the performance profile of urban planning design. For this purpose, various compromise proposals have been worked out by the BAK. The bdla and the working group members have discussed these compromise proposals in detail.

Furthermore, the measures of the Alliance for Affordable Housing were discussed, which contain only very few statements on the qualitative development of open space. With regard to the Federal Climate Adaptation Act, those present dealt intensively with the draft of the bdla statement and introduced important contents. The meeting ended with reports from the regional groups.

Source: bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" 2/2023

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