
Urban development and open space planning working group: Building type E, Nature Restoration Law and urban development congress

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On April 15, 2024, the members met for an online meeting. Initiated by members of bdla Bavaria and BAK President Andrea Gebhard, the possible need for action for a so-called building type E for outdoor facilities was discussed.

The concept of building type E introduced by the chambers of architects is intended to stimulate construction activity through flexibility, innovation and lower legal requirements. It has been established that, in contrast to building construction, there are far fewer mandatory technical building regulations that stand in the way of flexible and experimental construction of outdoor facilities.

Liability risks and clear contractual agreements would have to be taken into account when developing a building type E for outdoor facilities. The initial considerations are to be further concretized and structured in a smaller group.

Unfortunately, the Nature Restoration Law will not be implemented for the time being. The main reason for this was that Hungary unexpectedly announced at the end of March that it would vote against the proposed law in the Council of Environment Ministers. Section 8 on the restoration of urban ecosystems in particular would have had great potential for the profession. It calls for the proportion of urban green spaces not to be reduced by 2030 or to be significantly increased thereafter.

It is not yet clear when the law will be back on the agenda of the next council presidencies. The bdla and BAK have campaigned publicly for the law.

The bdla will have the opportunity to actively contribute to the upcoming 17th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy entitled "Cooperation in Urban Development", which will take place in Heidelberg from 17 to 19 September 2024. In 2023, the bdla, DASL and BDA organized a side event entitled "Get into action!". Discussions are currently underway to hold another side event and offer project walks in Heidelberg.

Source: bdla association magazine "landschaftsarchitekt:innen" 2/2024

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