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40 candidates - for the future of landscape architecture and the architectural association

Election of the XIIIth Representative Assembly of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects
13 - 30 April 2021

List 1 Landscape architects bdla

01 - Franz Damm

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Ulrike Myrzik

Our most important task is to promote and strengthen the perception and appreciation of the achievements of the entire architectural profession and in particular of landscape architecture by politicians, but also by citizens and society. Only in this way can we sustainably maintain and improve the framework conditions and foundations for our work and that of future generations of architects.

At the same time, it is important to courageously seek new, perhaps also unknown and uncomfortable paths in order to further develop the process of architectural creation and building culture.

02 - Ursula Hochrein

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Thorsten Jochim

From my point of view, an essential goal is to actively participate in the development of our cities and landscapes. In addition, the importance of building culture should be communicated to the public.

It will also be important to strengthen ourselves for the future: both through high-quality training and appropriate further training measures.

In the competition and awarding system, the focus should be on quality and it should also be accessible to young and small offices. I would also like to advocate solidarity among each other and practice it across all disciplines.

03 - Andreas Rockinger

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Christian Kasper

From my point of view, the most important challenges are to establish an understanding of planning that is both climate and socially just and sustainable, to support the young generation of planners and to stand up for their interests, and to promote social appreciation for our work and the associated appropriate remuneration.

04 - Annette Pfundheller-Schweppe

Landscape Architect / Urban Planner, employed
Upper Bavaria

© Leonie Baumeister

The demands on open space in growing cities and changing regions are becoming more and more diverse, and the topics of recreation and provision for the public, climate change and biodiversity are coming to the fore. I am particularly attracted by the opportunity to play an active role in shaping and developing our profession and to give more space to "green" as a long-term strategy, also within the Chamber, to discuss issues of building culture and to help shape the city of the future.

The Chamber should be a body that represents our interests broadly. Therefore, I would like to remain involved and represent my age and professional group within the Chamber.

05 - Dr. Johannes Gnädinger

Landscape Architect / Urban Planner, employed
Upper Bavaria

© Petra Micheli

After the successful start of the model project Update Landscape Plan by the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, which was initiated by the bdla, I will support the design and political broad impact of the instrument.

Following on from this, I would also like to commit myself at regional and state level to climate-friendly, land-saving, ecological spatial development. A second focus is to advance BIM and GIS in landscape architecture and planning, because we should actively use the technical possibilities for our professional and economic goals.

06 - Doris Grabner

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Franziska Böhmert-Hartel

I would especially like to stand up for fair contract awards and appropriate fees. I have been active on these issues for quite some time in the Bavarian Chamber of Architects and in the bdla Bavaria with the working group on economics .

For me as an office owner, appropriate remuneration means above all being able to guarantee appropriate salaries. And thus maintaining the attractiveness of our profession, which will be more important than ever in many future issues.

07 - Kajetan Winzer

Landscape architect, employed
Upper Bavaria

© Leonie Baumeister

In addition to my commitment as treasurer of the bdla Bavaria, I would like to work in the future in the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, especially for the interests of the employed landscape architects, who are underrepresented there both in the board and in the representative assembly.

In addition, I would like to continue to be involved in the Finance and Welfare Committee in order to make the Chamber of Architects fit for the future and financially sustainable. I am also committed to ensuring that the Chamber fees remain affordable for salaried employees in the future. Furthermore, I would like to advocate for the expansion of continuing education and professional development opportunities for landscape architects and advocate for greater consideration of our profession in the context of public relations.

08 - Nicole Meier

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Barbara Eberhart

As a young office owner, contributor to teaching at the Technical University of Munich and head of the Young Landscape Architects Working Group of the bdla Bavaria, the promotion of our young professionals is close to my heart. Young entrepreneurs make an important contribution to a versatile office landscape and bring a breath of fresh air into our profession.

That is why I would like to champion the diverse interests of young and small offices, but also represent career starters and young employees.

09 - Tilman Latz

Landscape Architect / Architect / Urban Planner, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Han Mai / Latz Partner

A strong and cohesive chamber is more important than ever in light of the upheavals our profession is currently undergoing.

As a landscape architect, urban planner and architect by training, my aim is to lend weight to the interests of landscape architecture in the Chamber, but above all to seek common ground between the professions represented and to build bridges in order to support the Chamber as a strong representation of the interests of all planning professions in the best possible way.

Furthermore, I want to continue to contribute experience and energy to the International Project Group."

10 - Barbara Weihs

Landscape Architect / Urban Planner, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Leonie Baumeister

The central challenge in dealing with current issues - such as strengthening open spaces in cities, curbing land consumption, coping with climate change - is the cooperation of all disciplines represented here, as well as the strengthening of external visibility.

I am firmly convinced that this can only succeed with a strong profession that has all levels of scale in mind, from individual construction projects to urban development and state planning. Since 2006, I have persistently brought these topics and perspectives to the committee work and would like to continue this work.

11 - Markus Schäf

Landscape architect and urban planner, freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Leonie Baumeister

Through my involvement in the AG Klima of the bdla Bavaria as well as in Architects 4 Future Munich, I have built up a comprehensive network for action against climate change, which I would like to expand into the architectural association. My goal is not only to address climate protection measures, but also to promote and enforce their implementation.

Furthermore, I am committed to equal opportunities in competitions and award procedures for small and medium-sized offices in the city and the country. I have been involved in the advancement of the public's perception of our profession for many years.

12 - Katja Aufermann

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Britt Schilling

Sustainability in planning and construction, such as in the thematic spectrums of building greening, ecological construction, bicycle-friendly urban planning, vegetation in the age of climate change or biodiversity, are very important to me.

Other topics to which I would like to devote more attention are the anchoring of green issues in urban land use planning and in building permit procedures in growing cities, including those outside the Munich conurbation. As well as clear specifications on green topics in competitions, such as obligatory participation by landscape architects, and the definition of standards with a sustainable future perspective.

13 - Jonas Bellingrodt

Landscape Architect, Employed
Upper Bavaria

© Martin Augenstein

Implementing sophisticated spatial qualities while maintaining climate adaptation goals is my aspiration. In my position in the city planning office it is about effectively carrying the interests and know-how of landscape architecture and planning into politics and administration.

Combining climate protection with aesthetically high-quality, multifunctional design is not a contradiction. To enable these developments is the duty of landscape architects in municipal administrations - a topic that should be given a pioneering role in the architectural association.

14 - Christina Lehner

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance

© Uwe Reil

Public open space as a contribution to a livable built environment is becoming increasingly important. It is particularly important that qualified, appropriate and sustainable concepts are implemented. This requires competent partners for cities and municipalities - especially in questions of process management.

Landscape architects can and should provide important impulses here. I would like to stand up for this in the Chamber of Architects!

15 - Florian Otto

Landscape Architect / Urban Planner, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Alexander Gardyan

As planners, we work every day to create and improve a quality built environment. In order to be able to do this in the best possible way, we need a good professional framework, an intensive transdisciplinary exchange with the other disciplines involved in construction on an equal footing and a natural consideration of sustainability and climate change. This is what I would like to advocate in the Chamber of Architects.

16 - Heidemarie Frank-Krieger

Landscape architect, freelance

© Leonie Baumeister

I would like to continue to contribute my many years of experience as a representative in the representative assembly as well as in the registration committee - for our profession as well as interdisciplinary.

Particularly close to my heart are the solidarity and the interdisciplinary, constructive discussion within the colleagues. As well as the promotion of regional activities, for which I have been involved in my administrative district for many years - for example in the Treffpunkt Architektur Schwaben, in the Architekturforum Allgäu and in the Architektinnen-Netzwerk Allgäu-Augsburg-Ammersee.

17 - Lutz Worthmann

Landscape Architect, Employed
Upper Palatinate

© Francisco Lopez

I would particularly like to advocate for our profession in its public image - despite steady growth, it still has a deficit in public awareness.

Landscape architects must continue to advertise the added value of their work in the future and today have excellent opportunities to position themselves as the only competent experts on numerous future issues such as climate change, urban greening, weather extremes, species extinction or habitat densification.

18 - Mechthild von Puttkamer

Landscape architect, freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Michael Pruckner

Our nature and open space are a precious commodity - they cannot be multiplied. Where and how we humans live and act changes our urban and landscape environment. I am committed to respecting and protecting our nature and its resources: This means climate and species protection, preserving biodiversity, rethinking mobility and reducing land consumption.

The design of livable and diverse open spaces for every member of our society is close to my heart. They are the spaces in which we meet and in which social interaction develops.

19 - Christopher Trepesch

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Palatinate

© Leonie Baumeister

The preservation of existing structures on a property is irreplaceable. The recognition of ecological connections in every planning with animate materials is decisive for our discipline.

The subject area of environmental or landscape planning in the chamber is important to me. Therefore, I am committed to a functioning interdisciplinary communication with my colleagues from architecture, urban planning and engineering.

20 - Petra Knauer

Landscape Architect, Employed
Upper Bavaria

© Thomas Summer

Against the background of the great competition for space in the cities, it is important for me as a landscape architect that our profession takes a leading role in the planning discussions on the topics of design and use of public space, climate adaptation and multifunctionality of open spaces, develops professional positions and communicates them confidently and competently to the public and the professional world.

For these topics a wide-ranging as well as qualified, professional advanced training offer is also necessary.

21 - Bernd Rohloff

Landscape Architect / Urban Planner, Freelance

© Susanne Wamsler

The demand for ever more complex open spaces in a planning environment increasingly characterised by competition for space is in reality countered by the trend towards open space as a commodity and mass of disposal of economic exploitation interests and an accompanying banalisation. In this respect, urban and open space planning are political and partisan.

Visibility of planner competence in society, the establishment of interdisciplinary team competence instead of sectoral thinking and a renegotiation of priorities are also professional tasks that I would like to advocate.

22 - Dr. Susann Ahn

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Eke Miander

The transformation of our environment has now reached such a momentum that a conflict-solving approach to planning is crucial to secure future habitats for people, animals and plants.
For this reason, I would like to increasingly advocate interdisciplinary and intercultural cooperation at eye level.

For only if everyone pulls together constructively, participatively and creatively can viable solutions be found for social, natural and climatic conflicts of objectives.

23 - Andreas Hofmann

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Stephanie Hackl

My concern is to strengthen the perception and presence of us landscape architects within the chamber and to bring our special view of future issues into the chamber's work.

The offers especially for our profession should be further expanded and improved. In order to simplify our daily work, I would also like to particularly promote digitalisation and the reduction of bureaucracy within the profession.

24 - Elke Berger

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Nayla Naufal

Environmental sustainability has become one of my highest priorities over time. As landscape architects we are not per se on the side of "the good", but have to deal with the effects of our design decisions. The level of knowledge in this regard has grown considerably in recent times, yet it is sometimes difficult to put familiar materials and construction methods to the ecological test.

My aim is to work towards this happening at all levels of our activity.

25 - Thomas Wirth

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance
Lower Franconia

© Michael Ehlers

I am already active in the registration committee as well as in the committee for awarding and competition of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.

I would like to continue to bring these areas of interest into the discussions there. I am particularly interested in the education at the universities as well as in the rural area.

26 - Julia Pankofer

Landscape architect, freelance/self-employed in the construction industry
Upper Bavaria

© Christoph Tauscher

The ideal would be the widespread understanding and acceptance of our profession in the architectural profession and in the public perception. The advantages of professional competence should be better communicated to the general public: chamber registration should be established as a fixed quality feature.

For the appreciation of our profession in economic and idealistic regard I would like to engage myself gladly in the coming years!

27 - Ralph Schäffner

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Lower Franconia

© Michael Ehlers

Cities grow, buildings, traffic routes, new spaces are created, are sealed. Urban landscapes are only worth living in if urban development creates open spaces, green infrastructures that link into the landscape, that improve the climate, that conserve resources.

Interdisciplinary cooperation between architects, urban planners, landscape architects, traffic planners and engineers is the prerequisite for successful urban planning. This is what I would like to advocate.

28 - Julia Ulrich

Landscape Architect / Urban Planner, Employed
Upper Bavaria

© Lukas Mühle

As a trainee builder in the Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations in Munich, I would like to work more in the future for a socially appropriate, climate-friendly urban design, in addition to the mandatory tasks of building law. Already during my time in the planning office, open, participatory planning processes were cultivated with a special focus on urban climate issues - this is a particular concern of mine.

I would like to bring the different points of view from administration and free economy together with young, fresh ideas into the architectural association.

29 - Wolfgang Färber

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Leonie Baumeister

I would like to advocate that the breadth of our profession - from the "lone wolf" to larger office units - is maintained nationwide, i.e. spread across the entire state. This seems to me to be extremely important in a territorial state like Bavaria with its diverse natural characteristics.

In addition, I would like to commit myself in particular to a continued active cooperation of young and old in the profession and in the Chamber of Architects, reflecting our society.

30 - Joachim Kaiser

Landscape architect, freelance
Lower Franconia

© Laura Kraus

I see the representation and enforcement of the interests of our profession, which are known to all, as the most important task as a representative of the chamber. Beyond that I would like to contribute to the fact that also the colleagues in the regions away from the metropolises and large cities are moved more in the consciousness.

For example, in the usual award procedures, requirements are often formulated that are too broad or not relevant for the task at hand. This leads to a preference for large offices far away from the region, which then have difficulties with the implementation of the planning task due to spatial distance. I will work to ensure that regional presence is properly considered according to the planning task being awarded.

31 - Harry Dobrzanski

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Nikol Aichhorn

A major concern in planning and building - besides the central social and ecological function of open space as a building block of cities - must be the life cycle assessment of the building sector as a whole, in terms of production, transport, creation and life span of building materials.

A life cycle balance as a decision criterion, e.g. with regard to CO2, must be forced by the profession and e.g. made quantifiable, also as a criterion in awarding and contracting guidelines.

32 - Wilhelm Daurer

Landscape architect, freelance

© Kathrin Rohde

The commitment to the future professional or task field of landscape architecture in its entire professional breadth, from open space planning to landscape and environmental planning, as well as the promotion of regional activities and interests are important topics for which I would like to continue to work in the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.

33 - Oliver Engelmayer

Landscape Architect / Urban Planner, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Peter Boerboom

It is a great concern of mine to represent the topics of open space and landscape planning such as climate change, protection of species and resources but also quality of life in the chamber. I would like to secure and strengthen the status of our profession in the overall context of the planning professions.

I am particularly interested in topics of digitalisation, how they change our working methods and create new opportunities. The Chamber can provide valuable support here, not least with regard to questions of awarding contracts and fees.

34 - Franz-Josef Kreuß

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance

© Franz-Josef Kreuß

I would like to support the fact that our professional training also in the future leads to the fact that a chamber ability is reached. This is important in order to guarantee the promotion of young talent in our offices in the long term. Further education and training should be intensified with the growing demands of a digital future.

The statute and fee system will also be the prerequisite for economically successful action in the future, I would also like to work for this in the Chamber of Architects.

35 - Christoph Benoist

Landscape architect, freelance
Middle Franconia

© Ulrich Stefan Knoll

The challenges of climate change can only be met by committed action on the part of the planning guild.

This is a great challenge for us planners, which we can only master together in interdisciplinary, collegial cooperation.

36 - Matthias Lampert

Landscape Architect, Employed
Upper Bavaria

© Judith Hahn

I am interested in the question of how to meet the increasing demands on our spatial environment, especially in urban regions. As before, sectoral decisions and structures often shape public spaces, their usability and perception. This is particularly evident, for example, in the development of infrastructure or in the field of agriculture.

It is my concern to bring multifunctionality and aesthetics more strongly into the discussion where they have hitherto hardly been among the criteria guiding decisions. Building culture concerns everyone.

37 - Heiko Huppenberger

Landscape architect, employed
Upper Bavaria

© Tobias Bergler, Kaps Photo Studio

It is important that all planning disciplines participate in the chamber. In addition to the colleagues from the planning offices, the public administration should be represented. The broader we are, the stronger we are.

A major concern for me is the quality of planning. The Chamber should promote proven and innovative instruments, such as competitions and integrated planning concepts. We have the task of making our towns and villages liveable in the future!

38 - Michel Hinnenthal

Landscape Architect, Freelance
Upper Bavaria

© Erik Dreyer

I support an architectural association that also offers young architects opportunities to realize their visions.

39 - Tobias Nowak

Landscape architect / urban planner, freelance
Lower Bavaria

© Peter Litvai

The appreciation of our work is reflected not least in appropriate fees.

With the abolition of the HOAI minimum rates, it is becoming increasingly important that award procedures are fair and fee negotiations are adequate. The Chamber of Architects strengthens here the position of the whole planning profession.

40 - Patricia Ott

Landscape Architect, Employed
Upper Bavaria

© Patricia Ott

As a young employee I accompany most different interdisciplinary planning and building projects as a project manager as well as landscape architect. Clients from administration and economy, who are familiar with construction and those who are not, regularly entrust me with large sums of money. Along with this, I am granted a wide variety of internal employer insights. Interdisciplinary work teams with construction, business and IT engineers accompany me in solving the respective technical challenges. Often these are intercultural on the planner's side as well as on the side of the executing companies. My colleagues have shown me solidarity, collegiality and joy in my work and have given me a sense of equality.

I would be very happy to commit myself with a fresh spirit to our concerns within the chamber and the future of our profession: e.g. on the topics of climate, BIM or spatial and area planning.

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