"The bdla-legal adviser informs".
Date: Thursday, 15 November 2018, 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Venue: Conference Centre Kolpinghaus Munich-Central, Adolf-Kolping-Straße 1, Munich
Speaker: Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh. Specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law, specialist lawyer for public procurement law, legal advisor to the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the bdla.
Seminar contents:
- Awarding of landscape architectural services in Bavaria, interface with competitions and correct bidder behaviour in such awards
The aim of the first part of the seminar is to convey problem awareness for typical constellations in the awarding of planning services: What should one pay attention to when participating in a competition in order to avoid difficulties later on when drafting the contract? What should be considered when participating in a building construction competition as a landscape architect in the design (keyword "Arge" and joint and several liability)? According to which "rules of the game" must landscape architectural services in Bavaria be awarded below and above the threshold value? What role does the so-called UVgO play in this? And what can be done in the individual phases of an award procedure to improve the chances of winning the contract?
- "Construction cost ceilings" and their effects on the performance obligations and the fee
The second part of the seminar deals with the widespread and, according to the current state of affairs, also effective so-called "quality agreements" on the construction costs: What can one, what should one pay attention to in this respect already during the contract negotiation? What are real risks, what are only theoretical risks? And how should one behave in the planning and construction phase in order to minimize the risks?
Paid and binding registration is required.
Parking facilities: Alpina parking garage at Stachus. Adolf-Kolping-Str. 10, Munich. Reduced conference rates are available. Please do not pay the parking ticket at the machine, but directly at the parking attendant.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0