
Biodiversity in the city - what to do!

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Forty participants accepted the invitation of the bdla Bavaria to attend the specialist seminar on species protection in the city on 11 April in Munich. Among them were representatives of housing associations, the City of Munich, nature conservation and environmental associations as well as representatives of the profession.

BMW AG. Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum FIZ in München, Dachbegrünung. Planung / Foto: Heiner Luz

BMW AG. Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum FIZ in München, Dachbegrünung. Planung / Foto: Heiner Luz

The main goals of initiator Markus Schäf, landscape architect bdla, were to get into conversation with each other and to further educate themselves across disciplines and areas of responsibility. Mission successful!
whereby he already announced a possible continuation in the coming year. Because the meeting can be probably only the prelude of a strengthened co-operation. In addition, there are other topics concerning biodiversity in Munich that could not be dealt with during the half-day event.

Whether in planning and renovation measures in private or commercial residential environments or the realization of green roofs, Living Walls and high-quality perennial plantings: For all the diversity of the expert presentations, focal points came to light that will be decisive for the success of a city of the future that is as rich in species as possible:

  • Structural diversity - not only in the selection of plant species and other materials used, but especially with regard to the quality and quantity of sites per se (diversity, small-scale, staggered, seasonal and animal-specific aspects).
  • The consistent implementation of specialist planning as well as the permanent preservation of the implemented measures, also with regard to design quality and appearance (keyword: professionally qualified controls, care and maintenance measures)
  • The awareness that the protection of species in the city is a highly complex issue, which requires not only site- and case-specific solutions, but can only be fully successful in the interaction of all actors involved.

Our thanks go to the speakers Sylvia Weber from the Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Munich, Dr. Ernst Habersbrunner from the Bund Naturschutz in Bayern, the biologist Michaela Hofmann from the LMU Munich, Stefan Brandhorst from the company Vertiko and Heiner Luz, landscape architect bdla.

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