The working groups of bdla Bavaria initiated in early summer 2019, in which members and non-members discuss and promote profession-specific key topics, are showing initial success.

The WG Economy - Awarding, Fees, Law has compiled a list of recommendations with working papers. In addition, the network "Fair Awarding" has been established in the meantime.
In November, the Young Landscape Architects WG held the information and discussion event "Young Architects - Dreams, Perspectives, Reality" together with the BDA Bavaria. Further networking events are in the planning stage, and the WG is also working intensively on the topics of further training and mentoring.
The AG Kulturschatz Planungserbe has succeeded in organising a room at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences for archiving the estates of Bavarian landscape architects. The first estates are already being stored; if you are interested in taking over an estate, please contact the WG.
The AG Klimaschutz has prepared first working papers, which are already online. In parallel, the first information events have been scheduled for 2020 and others are already being planned.
Under the working title "Landscape plan reset" the WG Landscape Development is currently striving for the further development of the landscape plan as an ideal, unifying and holistic instrument at the three planning levels of municipality, planning region and Free State. To this end, the working group is in professional exchange with the Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection and with the municipal umbrella organisations, among others.
You can find an overview of all bdla Bavaria working groups here.
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