
Statement on the future dialog Heimat.Bayern

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On March 16, 2022, Minister President Dr. Markus Söder and Ministers of State Michaela Kaniber and Albert Füracker kicked off the "Future Dialogue on Home.Bavaria" at the Munich Residence. In an exciting round of talks with the political representatives, futurologist Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reinhardt and representatives of relevant professional associations, including bdla Bayern, initial questions for Bavaria's future were discussed.

Foto: Doris Grabner / bdla Bayern

Foto: Doris Grabner / bdla Bayern

The bdla Bavaria has taken the kick-off event as an opportunity to think about the term "home" from a professional policy point of view, to define essential topics for the upcoming dialogue and to formulate initial positions on them.

From the point of view of the professional association, the protection of the natural basis of life, the climate and biodiversity as well as our water are just as much a priority as land consumption, the landscape and the strengthening of rural areas per se.

A comprehensive restructuring of diverse spatial programs with regard to current challenges appears to be indispensable from the point of view of the professional association. Further development through rules that prevent undesirable developments is just as necessary as incentives through subsidies and a sustainable, resource-oriented balancing of benefits and costs.


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