
BIM Award Bavaria 2023

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Applications for this year's BIM Award are open until June 20, 2023.

Applications are open to architects, engineers, specialist planners, building owners, building contractors, craftsmen, cities and municipalities, among others. Real construction projects and their sub-processes can be submitted. There are several categories to choose from, such as building in the existing fabric, sustainability, digital cooperation, or particularly focusing on rural areas. The projects must have been planned in Bavaria in the past four years and must already be under construction.

The prize is worth a total of 30,000 euros, which is divided among the various categories. The prize is to be awarded annually with changing focus topics and special awards.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is to become the standard in Bavaria - this is the goal set by the BIM cluster of politics, business and associations. To honor outstanding projects, Bavaria's Construction Minister Christian Bernreiter launched the BIM Award Bavaria 2023 in May. "BIM opens up the possibility for us to break new ground in cooperation," said Minister Bernreiter. "Together with our partners, we are now working to award innovative projects and ideas and set new standards in the industry. In this way, we are actively shaping the future of construction, hand in hand."

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