The bdla Bayern invites its members to a general meeting on Friday, March 1 at the Haus der Architektur (Bavarian Chamber of Architects, Waisenhausstr. 4). The meeting starts at 14:00.

The board, the office and the working groups will report on the activities and developments of the past year and the plans for the current year. Developments and plans on the part of the Bundes-bdla and the Bavarian Chamber of Architects will also be presented. The formal part ends after the budget report, the discharge and presentation of the draft budget for 2024.
In the public part, the 2023 young talent awards will be honored and presented before Cornelius Mager, former head of the local building commission in Munich, gives a keynote speech at the end.
The day will end at 19:00 with a cozy get-together with colleagues.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0