
AG Impulses

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#01 Baumkirchen Mitte. Guided tour of the office mahl gebhard konzepte - July 14, 2022.

#02 Westpark Augsburg. Guided tour by the office Lohaus - Carl - Köhlmos landscape architects and urban planners - September 15, 2022 More Info

More guided tours for fall 2022 and 2023 are already in preparation!

Teil #01: Führung Baumkirchen Mitte durch mahl gebhard konzepte (Planverfasser).

The new LA TALKS format is intended to provide impetus in the future and allow us to take a look beyond our own horizons. Topics from all areas of the architecture and creative scene should inspire and let us look at our field of work in a new way. The event is primarily open to all young colleagues, regardless of bdla membership.

First dates coming soon here.

LA MENTORING - The mentoring program offers young landscape architects the opportunity to exchange ideas with an experienced colleague and to consult him or her on profession-specific questions. The program is available free of charge to all young employees and self-employed bdla members (up to 40 years of age). The Mentor:innen are even members in bdla Bavaria and take over the Mentoren activity honorary.

If you have any questions or are interested in participating as a mentor or mentee, please contact:

About the working group

Young landscape architects are the future of our profession. The bdla Bavaria would like to support the young generation and their professional ideals and visions and advocate for their interests within and outside the association.

In doing so, it is a particular concern to give young professionals a platform that offers assistance in various matters of our profession and creates opportunities for professional exchange among themselves as well as with experienced colleagues. Thereby, the different needs of young professionals, young employees, start-ups and young offices (up to 40 years and up to 7 years of chamber membership) shall be specifically addressed.

Another focus is on the promotion of young professionals who are still in training. Supported by the bdla junior spokespersons, the working group has set itself the goal of further promoting the already well-established formats for students and supplementing them with new ideas.

If you are interested in joining the group or have any questions, please contact:

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AG Climate Protection


AG Landscape + City


AG Impulses


AG Economy - Awarding, Fees, Law


AG Cultural Treasure Planning Heritage
