
AG Cultural Treasure Planning Heritage

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Since the end of 2019, the working group headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Swantje Duthweiler has had an archive room at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, which is used to secure Bavarian landscape architects' bequests. Since then, the first preliminary and posthumous bequests have already been accepted.

About the working group

Landscape architects have also done valuable planning work in past decades. However, a generational change often raises the question of where to place the collected documents. Many estates of outstanding and professionally formative colleagues are disposed of by descendants due to lack of space or ignorance and are thus no longer available for future professional-historical research or a basic research for re-planning of older facilities. "Lighthouses" of historical plans can be recorded in the TU Architectural Archive, but there were also ingenious concepts and extraordinary details from the everyday business of a planner.

The working group "Cultural Treasure Planning Heritage" creates an overview of the current state of Bavarian landscape architectural estates in public or private archives and, if necessary, seeks solutions for the mediation to archives or scientific selection and processing of planners' estates.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact:

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AG Climate Protection


AG Landscape + City


AG Impulses


AG Economy - Awarding, Fees, Law


AG Cultural Treasure Planning Heritage
