
10 News - Hessen

RINN - Hessen


Event Series "International Landscape Architecture 2022 - Mobility Change Creates Open Space!" DAM Frankfurt

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Does the traffic turnaround offer room for new green?

In our society, personal habits are changing, and forms of mobility are even changing structurally. People stay at home to work and use their bicycles to run errands. People shop online and bring the world into their own four walls. Mobility is changing, into the opposite that was unimaginable until recently: Roads are being dismantled here and there - mostly still experimentally - in favor of individual forms of locomotion.

The public open space then no longer occupied only by road traffic is being developed as an island with comfortable, mostly still temporary quality of stay with greenery. However, new bicycle expressways and mobility hubs that enable the most seamless possible linking of different modes of transportation also require space and are often in competition with the concerns of landscape and nature conservation as well as other desires of society.

The profession of landscape architects is active in an interdisciplinary way with the planning professions to adapt our cities, villages and settlements to these challenges to the built environment and to the requirements of climate change, the energy transition and the resulting change in mobility.

News - Hessen · 01. August 2022

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DEPARTURE! Dare more landscape architecture 2.0! 19.10.2022, Kassel

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Unfortunately, the conference has to be cancelled due to insufficient number of participants. We kindly ask for your understanding.
The event may be scheduled again in spring 2023, we will inform in due time.

How integrative planning strategies mitigate the impacts of climate change.

The impacts of climate change are being felt in everyday life and are affecting global livelihoods. Landscape architecture is particularly in demand as an integrative planning discipline in the development of solutions. It is the link on a professional level between structural solutions and object planning. It raises, preserves and develops the interests of nature and landscape. At the same time, it implements planning requirements in terms of design and makes a major contribution to the creation of our experienceable environment.

News - Hessen · 21. June 2022

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Lecture Series International Landscape Architecture - Urban Green 3D - Now in YouTube Stream

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On 09 September 2021, the bdla Hesse started for the third time and in cooperation with the German Architecture Museum DAM Frankfurt its lecture series "International Landscape Architecture 2021 ".
The lectures of 04.05.2022 are now linked in the YouTube stream below or can also be accessed at www.dam-online.de

Catch-up date 04 May 2022
Lecture evening, 18.00 h, DAM Ostend

Henschelstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main

News - Hessen · 13. June 2022

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Lecture Series International Landscape Architecture - Urban Green 3D

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On September 09, 2021, the bdla Hessen started for the third time and in cooperation with the German Architecture Museum DAM Frankfurt its lecture series "International Landscape Architecture 2021 ".
On the topic of "Urban Green 3 D", the lectures also took place in presence - each Thursday, from 19.00 - 21.00 clock - and live stream on YouTube.
You will find the link to the online lecture in good time at this point for the respective date or at www.dam-online.de.

Catch-up date
New date: May 04, 2022
Architectural tour Frankfurt, 2:30 p.m.
Start: Evang. Akademie Frankfurt
Lecture evening, 6:00 p.m., DAM Ostend
Henschelstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main

News - Hessen · 14. April 2022

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The Association of German Landscape Architects declares its deepest regret about the war in Ukraine, the loss of human lives and condemns this attack which is contrary to international law. Our thoughts are especially with the colleagues of our partner association Guild of Landscape Architects of Ukraine.

News - Hessen · 02. March 2022

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Postponement! Online seminar "Interior densification - sure! - but..." 2022

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The online seminar will be postponed to fall 2022.
We will provide information here in good time for the new date.

Thursday, March 24, 2022, 09.45 - 16.30 - postponed!

The 14 German cities with more than half a million inhabitants are forecast to be home to around one-fifth of the country's population by 2030. Accordingly, a significant increase in the number of inhabitants or a high demand for additional living space is to be expected there. In the growth regions, this trend is to be met primarily by redensification in the inner city areas. Consequently, the pressure on still existing brownfield, green and open spaces increases massively there, inducing conflicts of interest with the higher-level objectives. If land consumption is to be reduced, the greening of settlements secured and developed as an essential factor for residential quality and climate adaptation, and biodiversity strengthened in cities as well, then at least sufficient land must be made available for this purpose.

The Corona pandemic in particular has emphatically revealed the importance of greenery for human well-being. Accordingly, the housing stock must be developed not only in terms of construction, but also in terms of functional and efficient green spaces and structures. Despite the indisputable necessity of building more densely, the development of open spaces in the inner city must not be put on the back burner. Conflicts of goals and uses must be avoided and our cities must be made fit for the future through smart settlement development.

News - Hessen · 07. February 2022

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General Meeting bdla Hessen e.V. Frankfurt/Main 08.12.2021

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The bdla Hessen registered association invites quite cordially to the meeting of the members 2021:

News - Hessen · 27. October 2021

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Lecture Series International Landscape Architecture - Urban Green 3D

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On September 09, 2021, the bdla Hessen started for the third time and in cooperation with the German Architecture Museum DAM Frankfurt its lecture series "International Landscape Architecture 2021 ".
On the topic "Urban Green 3 D", the lectures - if possible in presence - will take place each Thursday, from 19.00 - 21.00 clock - And live stream on YouTube!

At the same time, the lectures will be streamed live on YouTube.
Further information with the links to the online lecture can be found here in time for the respective date or at www.dam-online.de.

Access to the current live stream on 07.10.2021 will be available from 18.45. Until the start of the lecture we invite you to short impressions of our sponsors.
Please click on the image below to start the broadcast.

NOTE NEW LOCATION - Danzig am Platz
The lectures on 07.10, 04.11 and 09.12.2021 will take place at "Danzig am Platz", Ostparkstraße 11, 60314 Frankfurt am Main.
Interested people who would like to follow the lectures in presence are cordially invited to come to the "Danzig am Platz".
Admission starts at 6.30 pm.

News - Hessen · 13. August 2021

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Dare more landscape architecture! 29.09.2021, Kassel

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How integrative planning strategies mitigate the impacts of climate change

The effects of climate change can be felt in everyday life and influence the global basis of life. Landscape architecture is particularly in demand as an integrative planning discipline in the development of solutions. It is the link on a specialist level between structural solutions and object planning. It raises, preserves and develops the interests of nature and landscape. At the same time, it implements planning requirements in terms of design and makes a major contribution to the creation of our experienceable environment.

News - Hessen · 12. March 2021

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4. online lecture - "International Landscape Architecture" 2020 at DAM (5)

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Presentation ONLINE!!!
apologize for the poor transmission quality of the live stream, which occurred exactly in this time slot on the day of the event due to technical problems with the provider. We had therefore decided to cancel the live stream.

The problem has been solved and the presentation can now be viewed in the usual quality by clicking on the start image.

On September 23, the bdla Hessen in cooperation with the German Museum of Architecture started its lecture series "International Landscape Architecture - Climate Change in Focus".
The lectures take place in each case from 19.00 - 20.00 o'clock on-line.
A registration is not necessary contrary to the notice of the invitation.

We cordially invite you to the last lecture of the series on

Thursday, 10.12.2020, 19.00 - 20.00 hrs.

"Thinking, designing, developing infrastructures as landscape"
Prof. Antje Stokman,
HafenCity University Hamburg HCU

News - Hessen · 02. December 2020

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