
10 News - Hessen

RINN - Hessen


Online seminar "Our forest under stress! - Need for action and possible solutions" 13.11.2020

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Friday, 13 November 2020, 10.00 - 16.30 h - Break from 13.00 - 14.30 h

The forest has always had a wide variety of functions to fulfil. For decades, we have differentiated between useful, protective and recreational functions. Since the 1980s, climate change has been looming on the horizon and has since gained in importance and drama, influencing the long-established forest functions.

At the latest since the last three drought summers in a row, the effects on the forest are visible to everyone. Heat, drought and pest infestation are massively affecting the trees, and in many places the forest ecosystem is collapsing. In addition to the predicted economic damages in the billions, the habitat supply and all other natural functions are directly affected and threatened. Our familiar forest image is changing and requires new concepts.

Based on a status quo analysis and from the perspective of nature and landscape, the event will highlight possible approaches for the forest.

News - Hessen · 06. October 2020

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Online Lecture - "International Landscape Architecture" 2020 at DAM (4)

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On September 23, bdla Hessen started its lecture series "International Landscape Architecture - Climate Change in Focus" in cooperation with the Deutsches Architekturmuseum.
The lectures take place in each case from 19.00 - 20.00 o'clock online.
Contrary to the invitation, registration is not required.

We cordially invite you to the next lecture of the series on

Thursday, 26.11.2020, 19.00 - 20.00 hrs.

"From retrospective to perspective - climate change as an impetus"
Clemens Kluska,
Hager Partner AG, Zurich I Berlin

The link to the livestream will be activated here in good time before the start of the lecture. Please CLICK!
We welcome you cordially. In the preliminary program, our project partners will present themselves with entertaining impressions in line with the topic until the start.

The previous contributions are available on YouTube under the links below:

"Klimagerechte Stadtplätze" Peter Hausdorf, sinai Gesellschaft für Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin

"Attention: the landscape! - Attention to the landscape!" Lars Ruge, Vogt Landscape ArchitectsAG, Zurich I London I Berlin I Paris

On the content of the lecture series
Public open spaces and sophisticated greenery significantly shape the quality of life in cities as well as in rural areas. The effects of climate change are felt in densely populated areas as well as in less built-up areas. However, they are different in their manifestation, each with its own specific symptoms.

In order to develop a sustainable building culture with innovative solutions for sustainable cities, housing and living spaces, society must increasingly address the environmental vulnerability of these systems. The necessity of new mobility concepts, the integration of infrastructures in landscape design and the safeguarding of valuable microclimatic conditions are important topics in this context. In the context between architecture, urban, regional and infrastructure planning, landscape architecture provides decisive concepts and answers to socially relevant questions. It unites aesthetic, social, ecological, technical and economic demands to create a precisely fitting design.

The series of events will provide an insight into the projects of internationally active landscape architects, who will report on their work experiences in a globally networked world undergoing climate change and on the answers that a design discipline can provide to social changes.

The series of events is a cooperation project between the German Architecture Museum DAM in Frankfurt and the Association of German Landscape Architects (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten bdla, Landesverband Hessen).

We would like to thank them for their kind support of the event series.

News - Hessen · 15. September 2020

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"International Landscape Architecture" 2020 at the DAM

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"Climate Change in Focus. Lecture events online

On September 23rd, the bdla Hessen starts its lecture series "International Landscape Architecture" in cooperation with the Deutsches Architekturmuseum. Peter Hausdorf, sinai, Berlin, will kick off the series with "Klimagerechten Stadtplätze".
All lectures take place in each case from 19.00 - 20.00 o'clock and on-line.
information with left to on-line lecture finds you in time at this place and/or under www.dam-online.de and www.bdla.de/landesverbaende/hessen.

News - Hessen · 07. September 2020

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Online Lecture - "International Landscape Architecture" 2020 at DAM (3)

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"Climate change in focus - Attention the landscape! - Attention to the Landscape!"
Lars Ruge, Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten AG,
Zurich I London I Berlin I Paris

On September 23, bdla Hessen, in cooperation with the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, started its series of lectures on "International Landscape Architecture" with a prelude on the topic of "Climate-smart city squares" with Peter Hausdorf, sinai, Berlin. The lectures will each take place online from 19.00 - 20.00 hrs.

Thursday, 15.10.2020, 19.00 - 20.00 hrs.

"Attention the landscape! - Attention to the Landscape!"
Lars Ruge, Vogt
Landschaftsarchitekten AG, Zurich I London I Berlin I Paris

News - Hessen · 01. September 2020

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Online Lecture - "International Landscape Architecture" 2020 at DAM

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"Climate change in focus - climate-friendly city squares".
Peter Hausdorf, sinai Gesellschaft für Landschaftsarchitekten mbH, Berlin

On 23 September, the bdla Hessen, in cooperation with the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, will launch its lecture series "International Landscape Architecture". The first lecture will be given by Peter Hausdorf, sinai, Berlin, on the subject of "Climate-friendly urban spaces". The lectures will take place online from 7.00 - 8.00 pm.
Wednesday, 23.09.2020, 7.00 - 8.00 p.m.

"Climate-smart city squares"
Peter Hausdorf, Associate Partner
sinai Gesellschaft für Landschaftsarchitekten mbH, Berlin

News - Hessen · 14. August 2020

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Event series "International Landscape Architecture" 2020 - DAM Frankfurt - Online!

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All lectures will take place online from 19:00 - 20:00.
Further information with a link to the online lecture will be available in good time here or at www.dam-online.de and www.bdla.de/landesverbaende/hessen.

"Climate Change in Focus"

Public open spaces and sophisticated greenery significantly shape the quality of life in cities as well as in rural areas. The consequences of climate change affect densely populated areas as well as less built-up areas. However, they are different in their manifestation, with specific symptoms in each case.

News - Hessen · 29. May 2020

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New Year's Reception of the Green Associations Hesse 2020, 31.01.2020, Wiesbaden

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The Green Associations of Hesse cordially invite your members, partners, supporters and guests from the professional environment, politics and business to the traditional New Year's Reception 2020 at the Wiesbaden Casino Society in the state capital Wiesbaden.

News - Hessen · 04. December 2019

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Conference Schoolyards - Play and Movement inclusiv(e)!, 17/18.10.2019, SpOrt Stuttgart

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Inclusion in the planning of outdoor exercise areas

The "big break" is the "favourite subject" of all school children and the schoolyard is therefore an important space for movement, balance and sport in the school day, in addition to the offers in the clubs and in the informal leisure area. Here, unrestricted opportunities for movement and recreation are to be offered to all pupils, regardless of their different abilities and development.
A schoolyard, the design of which not only takes accessibility into account, should enable all pupils and teaching and support staff to participate in equal measure. In doing so, a schoolyard must be exciting and interesting, offer challenges in a variety of ways, inspire the imagination to move, and at the same time be a space for physical and social development.

The focus of the symposium "Schoolyards - Play and Movement Inclusiv(e)" is to address the topic of schoolyard design in the focus of inclusion.
Based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for Equal Participation in Society, which has been enshrined as national law in Germany since 2009, this must be taken into account in every construction measure.

News - Hessen · 16. August 2019

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Series of events "International Landscape Architecture" at DAM Frankfurt

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"Challenges of sustainable urban development"

Efficient public spaces and sophisticated greenery have a decisive impact on the quality of life in cities. Landscape architecture offers solutions for increasingly complex requirements and framework conditions. As a cross-sectional discipline, it provides answers to socially relevant problems at different scales, from the region to the individual site. It combines aesthetic, social, ecological, technical and economic demands to create a design that is precisely tailored to the individual location.

Change is immanent in planning disciplines such as landscape architecture. What is new today is the complexity of the demands of a differentiated society on urban open spaces and the diversity of voices in participation processes. Climate change, the energy transition, the need for new mobility concepts, the integration of infrastructures in landscape design, housing and social cohesion are also topics to which landscape architecture has much to contribute.

News - Hessen · 12. August 2019

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Seminar "Proof of flooding", 05.09.2019, Frankfurt am Main (2)

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Lecture and exercises on the verification of flooding in the standard case and in special cases, such as in infiltration systems, in underbuilt areas and in inner courtyards.

Date and place
Thursday, 05.09.2019, 11.00 a.m. - approx. 4.30 p.m.
Green spaces office of the city of Frankfurt amMain
Adam-Riese-Strasse 25, 60327 Frankfurt am Main

Tom Kirsten
publicly appointed and sworn expert by the IHK Dresden
for gardening and landscaping, production and maintenance, Pirna
Hans-Jürgen Röcker
Public Affaires Management and seminar management, Birco GmbH, Baden-Baden

News - Hessen · 01. May 2019

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