The first prize went to Lena Louven from Höxter and Janina Wohlfahrt from Beverungen (both studying at TH-OWL) for the garden "Dare Biodiversity". The jury particularly appreciated the expected contrast to the surrounding garden spaces. At the same time, the design promises to create a 'romantic' and atmospheric garden space that will have an innovative and inspiring effect on LGS visitors as a whole, but also with regard to the use of materials and plants. The prize money amounts to 2,000 euros.

A 3rd prize went to Tobias Schlottbom from Raesfeld (HS Osnabrück) for the garden Enhanced Nature. The jury particularly emphasized the fact that the garden can be intuitively accessed, allowing both landscapes to be experienced. In addition, the alder swamp invites the visitor to stroll around and arouses interest. The newly planted woody plants stand out clearly from the old stock of trees, creating an exciting interplay. The prize money amounts to 1,200 euros.

Theresa Noeke from Meschede and Adrian Lichnowski from Hamburg (both studying at Leibniz University in Hanover) also received a 3rd prize for their garden "Hortus Reusus". The jury found the clarity and scale of the resulting interior space pleasing. Also the clear plant motive can convince with a certain atmospheric density. At the same time, however, it is not possible to transfer this quality externally to the edges. The prize money amounts to 1,200 euros.
A recognition for the design "Theatrum Horti" went to Patrik Putzig from Heidelberg (studies in FH Weihenstephan and Uni Kassel 09/18). The prize money amounts to 600 euros.
For this year's prize
Competition task this time was the design of a garden "GREEN-MIX-Garden" at the State Horticultural Show Höxter 2023, which should focus on the use and combination of plants. It is again a realization competition, the result of which is to be implemented in the coming months together with the Landesgartenschau Höxter 2023 gGmbH. The works are expected to be exhibited in the coming week in the rooms of the Höxter University of Applied Sciences. Further information will follow.
The 1st prize for the design "Dare Biodiversity" can then be viewed during the opening hours of the in 2023 at the State Garden Show Höxter. For "young landscape architects" there is rarely such a great opportunity to present their work to a broad public. The winning garden is to be realized in the area of the home gardens of the NRW Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction Association.
You can find the jury protocol with detailed reasons and evaluations here.
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Judith Dohmen-Mick