
Start of the open competition for the Bürgerpark - Neuss Regional Garden Show 2026

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At its meeting on September 23, 2022, the Neuss City Council decided to launch an open, single-stage open-space planning ideas and implementation competition for Bürgerpark Neuss. In the competition, landscape architects throughout Europe are called upon to submit individual designs and creative ideas for the State Garden Show 2026. The aim is to obtain a wide range of proposed solutions. The basis is a detailed description of the conditions and the goals for the project; ideas from citizens have also been incorporated into the competition process.

Quelle Stadtarchiv Neuss

Quelle Stadtarchiv Neuss

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


The centerpiece of the competition is the 30-hectare former racetrack site. This is now being developed into a new citizens' park for all Neuss residents. In addition, several green spaces will be linked and upgraded from the city center to the Rhine. To this end, the foreland of the Rhine will be brought together with the new citizens' park through green space connections to form a coherent whole.

Please deal with the formalities, we would be pleased if you would decide to participate in the procedure.

You can request the key to access the documents by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more information, please contact the supervising office plan b from Duisburg (Tel.: 0203 2981929), or the city administration of Neuss Department of Green Space and Landscape Planning (Tel.: 02131 90-6700).

Official announcement!

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