
We celebrate the next generation of landscape architects...

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...and recognize the innovation and creativity of landscape architecture students at North Rhine-Westphalian universities. In the nrw.studierenden.preis, which was awarded for the first time on October 30, 2024, three of the ten submitted theses from the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe in Höxter received awards.

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Jessica Gabler was awarded 1st prize for her Master's thesis "Integrated target species mixed planting", in which she succeeded in developing an intelligent tool that can be used to generate mixed perennial plantings for the special promotion of wild bees, the desired design and functional character of which can be determined with framework data on location factors, importance as a pollen source, etc.

Caitlin Otte qualified for a 2nd prize with her bachelor's thesis "Keeping the peace", in which she deals with cemetery development processes and recommendations for action for municipalities in order to further develop these ecologically valuable places.

Melanie Wilke also received a 2nd prize for her Master's thesis "Between Nature and Landscape", in which she developed a catalog to highlight climate adaptation measures and communicate them in a low-threshold manner for participation formats. The award-winning works can currently be viewed in the Baukunstmuseum NRW, in a series with the award-winning projects of the nrw.landschaftsarchitektur.preises 2024.

The work was honored following the general meeting of the bdla nw regional group. As part of the award ceremony, the three prizewinners presented their work - innovative and inspiring for the guests, who honored the presentations with much applause. Afterwards there was plenty of opportunity to discuss and celebrate the work together.

pdf The jury minutes can be downloaded here. (15.32 MB)

The nrw.studierenden.preis will continue to promote outstanding final theses in 2025.

Photo (from left to right): Thomas Dietrich (Chairman bdla nw), Caitlin Otte, 'Jessica Gabler, Melanie Wilke, Marcel Wiegard (spokesperson for education bdla nw)

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