Contribute your own ideas for a great climate in the city! - Play activities by Outlaw with the Siedlermobil, family tours with temperature measurements...
We cordially invite children and adults to participate in the climate-friendly design of our open spaces!
Date: Saturday 15 June 2019, 15:00 - 18:00
Location: in and at the ZfBK/ Kulturpalast Dresden
Admission, climate participatory offers and family tours are free of charge!
(catering if required with costs)
- Dresden's environmental mayor Eva Jähnigen: Opening speech requested
- joint statement of the organizers on livable open spaces in the city
- Presentation of the topic and the aims of the exhibition "Prima Klima. This is landscape architecture!"
15:00 h until 18:00 h
Outlaw g GmbH with the playmobile Wirbelwind
- Street games and movement building site in front of the Kulturpalast
- Play offers with the settler trailer and playmobile Wirbelwind
- Poster documentation of citizens' opinions and children's thoughts on the topic "How do we design our open spaces in the city?"
- The results will be handed over to the panel discussion on 6/19 and to the KinderTraumZauberStadt Kitrazza.
4:00 p.m. and
5:00 p.m. Family Tours
- Family/child-friendly guided tours with temperature measurements
- to the Green Gewandhaus and the Promenade Ring
- with Mr. Samuelsson/ City Planning Office Dresden, Mrs. Fanghänel/ Environmental Office Dresden and Rehwaldt Landscape Architects.
- bdla Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, Florian Ehrler
- Outlaw g GmbH
- State Capital Dresden, Environmental Office and City Planning Office
The citizens' and family festival is part of the extensive supporting programme for the exhibition "Prima Klima. That's Landscape Architecture", a series of events organized by the bdla Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten (Association of German Landscape Architects), the Saxony Chamber of Architects, the state capital Dresden and the Technical University of Dresden.
Further information on the exhibition and the accompanying events can be found at here.
© Photo Kulturpalast: Cornelia Borkert/Photo Siedler: Tobias Heinemann
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0