Exhibition at the ZfBK and extensive supporting programme on climate-sensitive planning:
EXHIBITION 6.6.-6.7.2019
Under the title "Prima Klima. That's landscape architecture!", an exhibition focusing on climate-silient planning is planned at the ZfBK Centre for Building Culture Saxony. The focus is on measures that improve the microclimate in cities and communities with regard to climate change, establish greenery as an important locational advantage and thus also highlight the achievements of landscape architects.
All project partners invite to the exhibition opening on 6.6.2019, 6 pm: bdla Saxony, Chamber of Architects of Saxony, the state capital Dresden and TU Dresden.
Further content on the exhibition and vernissage here.
Film evening "The Human Scale" 12.6.2019
Film about the Danish architect and urban planner Jan Gehl, who has been developing exciting concepts for the revitalization of desolate inner cities for decades - more information about the film evening here.
Family tours, mobile play with Outlaw/ Settler trailers,
citizen opinions and children's thoughts "How do we design our open spaces in the city?"
results will be delivered in panel discussion and to Kitrazza.
Detailed programme for the Civic and Family Festival here.
Symposium 6/19/2019 (registration required).
Symposium on climate-resilient planning -
Practical examples, concrete technical solutions, arguments for their implementation:
how climate-resilient projects in open space can be realized!
Speakers: TUD Prof. Meteorology, Dresden Environmental Agency, Studio Dreiseitl, Dr. Bennerscheidt
Detailed programme and registration for the conference here.
PODIUM DISCUSSION in the evening, public: 19.6.2019, 6 pm.
We'll discuss big goals, small steps, trees and concrete, city and country, water and earth, air and light with tree planters, urban designers, civil engineering professionals, landscape mavens, park superintendents, climate leaders
And of course, everyone interested in designing our open spaces and talking about PrimaKlima is invited!
Further information and panel discussion here.
Garden Walks 12/19/26/2019.
As part of the Dresden Garden Walks, guided tours are offered on climate-relevant open spaces:
- Open spaces in the city, in the vicinity of the exhibition.
- Kammeyer Garden Pillnitz (incl. rainwater management)
- New Annen Cemetery with old trees
Complete programme of the garden walks here.
Professional bike tour 28.6.2019 (registration required).
The bdla bus tour is getting on the bike this year! We invite you to join us for the climate-friendly bike tour and specialist tours.
More information and registration for the bike tour here.
Day of Architecture 29.6.2019
Nationwide, public tours and activities for the Day of Architecture will take place on the last weekend in June.
More information about the Day of Architecture here.
Guest lecture TU Prague 1.7.2019, 17 Uhr ZfBK im Kulturpalast Dresden
Urban landscapes - students of TU Prague present open space concepts for Dresden,
in cooperation with Stadtplanungsamt Dresden and quartier friedrichstadt e.V.,
accompanied by Till Rehwaldt, bdla president and visiting professor in Prague.
In order to continue, we want to:
... carry the main ideas and results of our events to the decisive professional and political levels.
... hand over the opinions of the children to the Kitrazza
... accompany exhibitions and actions of the TU Dresden and the environmental office Dresden next year.
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