
Architecture Prize of the City of Leipzig 2023 for the Parkallee skate park in Leipzig-Grünau

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We congratulate our member office GFSL gruen fuer stadt leben on winning the City of Leipzig's architecture prize for the Parkalee skat facility in Leipzig-Grünau!

© Hans-Georg Unrau

© Hans-Georg Unrau

With the architecture prize, the city of Leipzig has created an opportunity to promote building culture and recognize innovative design qualities in the built environment. This year, the Parkallee skate park by GFSL gruen für stadt leben was one of the projects awarded the architecture prize. The jury praised the excellent conditions for Leipzig's skate scene and the diversity of the open space, which was created through broad civic participation.

Special mention was made of the creative implementation of the dynamics of skating in the landscape architectural concept and the cleverly arranged skate modules, some of which were made from recycled demolition material. The skate park was described as an exemplary facility that meets the highest standards in terms of both sport and design and has quickly become a popular place for athletes and residents alike. The positive response extends beyond Leipzig.

Building Mayor Thomas Dienberg "This year's architecture prize is impressive proof that the city of Leipzig is living up to its exemplary role as a developer. I am extremely pleased that this has been confirmed by an external jury. I hope that this success will send a signal to all developers to commit to a vibrant and high-quality building culture in our city."

The exhibition of all the buildings submitted for the architecture prize will be on display in the exhibition foyer of the Leipzig City Library until March 30, 2024. In addition, a full-color catalog will be published, which can be obtained from the Architecture Prize office at the City of Leipzig's urban planning department. The Architecture Prize will apparently be awarded annually in alternation with the Hieronymus Lotter Prize for the Preservation of Monuments of the Leipzig Cultural Foundation, and the next award is planned for 2025.


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