
© Pulvermühlenpark Dresden, Planung: Angela Schüler, LANDSCHAFT + DESIGN

10 News - Sachsen

Landscape architecture in Norway - Lecture 20.1.2020

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At the beginning of the year we offer a guest lecture in cooperation with the HTW Dresden:

News - Sachsen · 07. January 2020

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bdla Student Competition Central Germany 2019-2020

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Werdau... Preserving old, thinking new

News - Sachsen · 02. December 2019

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ViolaCercis 2019 - Advanced training plant use

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The established event format on plant use will be continued.

14 November 2019 Dresden

News - Sachsen · 01. October 2019

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to the civil engineering excursion to the Landesgartenschau Frankenberg!

as part of the advanced training series "Bautechnik in der Freiraumplanung":

25 September 2019 Dresden

News - Sachsen · 01. September 2019

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FACH-RADTOUR - PrimaKlima in Landscape Architecture 28.6.

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The concrete programme of our specialist cycle tour is now fixed!
Learn how to plan climate-consciously with concrete projects:

28 June 2019 Dresden

News - Sachsen · 05. June 2019

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CONFERENCE - PrimaKlima in landscape architecture 19.6.

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Symposium on climate-resilient planning -
Practical examples, concrete technical solutions, arguments for their implementation:
How climate-resilient projects in open space can be realized!

19 June 2019 Dresden

News - Sachsen · 02. May 2019

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Construction technology 2019 - Landesgartenschau Frankenberg

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The building technology seminar, known as bdla advanced training format in Chemnitz, is carried out this year on the national horticultural show Frankenberg.

News - Sachsen · 10. April 2019

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bdla AG Bildungsräume - Statement on the SCHULBAU Fair Dresden

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Statement on the school grounds at the SCHULBAU trade fair 27/28March 2019 in Dresden.

News - Sachsen · 04. April 2019

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Seminar Flooding proof (repetition) on 23.4.

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Due to the great demand we offer a repetition of the event "Flooding proof - seminar and exercises":

News - Sachsen · 18. March 2019

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"Great climate. This is Landscape Architecture!" CALL for the 2019 exhibition!

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Under the title "Prima Klima. That's Landscape Architecture!", an exhibition focusing on climate-silient planning is planned for 6.6 - 7.7.2019 at the ZfBK Centre for Building Culture Saxony.

News - Sachsen · 15. February 2019

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