

10 News

Competition for the German Building Owner Award 2020 announced

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The German Association of Cities, together with the Association of German Architects and the GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V. (Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies), is the sponsor of the German Building Owner Award; the Association of German Landscape Architects is a cooperation partner.

News · 09. April 2019

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Updated recommendations on hourly rates for freelance services

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In Baden-Württemberg, the Ministries of Finance and Transport as well as the participating municipal associations and chambers have revised their guidance "Hourly rates for the remuneration of freelance services".

News · 08. April 2019

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EU Commission: infringement proceedings initiated regarding calculation of contract value

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The EU Commission has initiated infringement proceedings against Germany in connection with the calculation of the contract value for planning services.

News · 03. April 2019

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Online Toolbox Environmental Justice published

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The German Institute of Urban Affairs has published an online toolbox on environmental justice. It is aimed at municipalities and municipal actors.

News · 29. March 2019

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Urban Development Day on 11 May 2019

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The fifth Urban Development Promotion Day will take place on 11 May 2019. As a joint initiative of the federal government, the federal states, the German Association of Cities and Towns and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities, the day of action aims to strengthen the participation of citizens in urban development projects.

News · 19. March 2019

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Expert judges selected 35 projects for the competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2019.

The 35 nominated projects for the competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2019 have been determined. Five expert judges made their selection from 109 projects admitted to the competition in the virtual voting room between 11 February and 4 March 2019. The nominated works can be viewed at

News · 05. March 2019

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HOAI: Advocate General considers minimum and maximum rates to be contrary to EU law

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Opinion in the HOAI infringement proceedings available

In the action before the European Court of Justice (ECJ), Advocate General Szpunar expressed in his opinion published on 28 February 2019 that he considers the binding nature of the minimum and maximum rates of the HOAI to be incompatible with EU law. In his view, they inadmissibly impede the freedom of establishment because they do not give architects and engineers the opportunity to establish themselves in the market by means of low prices.

News · 01. March 2019

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3rd bdla Plant Planner Days on 21 and 22 June 2019 in Freising

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Greening concepts for the city of the future are a hot topic among experts. The bdla Planting Planner Days provide a comprehensive overview of the essential developments in the planning of woody and perennial plantings.

News · 27. February 2019

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In conversation with State Secretary Gunther Adler at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs

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With the promise of Federal Minister Horst Seehofer to take over the patronage of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2019, State Secretary Gunther Adler welcomed bdla President Till Rehwaldt and bdla Federal Executive Director Ingeborg Paland to the conversation on 1 February 2019.

News · 21. February 2019

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DIN 276:2018-12: Everything new...?

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Amendment with changes in cost planning for outdoor and outdoor facilities. The normative basis for cost planning is DIN 276, and the current version of the standard - DIN276:2018-12 "Costs in construction" - was published in December 2018. The new version also has an impact on the planning and monitoring of outdoor facilities.

News · 18. February 2019

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