

10 News

The ECJ ruling on the HOAI: What should be agreed in future and how?

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Since July 2019, much has been written about the ECJ ruling on the HOAI. The main issue has been clarified: the minimum rate requirement in the HOAI is dead.

News · 23. December 2019

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Climate protection local

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Municipalities as key actors in climate adaptation measures regionally.

News · 23. December 2019

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Making grey greener

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The future task of the profession is the sponge city.

News · 20. December 2019

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Shooting of wolves: Hearing on the amendment of the Federal Nature Conservation Act

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On 9 December 2019, the first hearing on the proposed amendment to the Federal Nature Conservation Act was held in the Environment Committee of the Bundestag.

News · 17. December 2019

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Young Landscape Architecture Workshop

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The first Young Landscape Architecture Workshop will be held on Monday, March 2, 2020, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

News · 17. December 2019

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12th bdla Business Forum

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Topic: Award - Controlling - Subcontract management - Safety requirements

News · 17. December 2019

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"Green" archives for estates of landscape architects

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The overview lists archives of building culture in Germany, which archive the preliminary and posthumous bequests of architects of all disciplines and make them accessible if required.

News · 16. December 2019

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After the game is before the game: bdla drafting days 2019 and 2020

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200 participants attended the bdla Designer Days 2019. Read what the trade journal Garten Landschaft, media partner of the Designer Days, wrote about this year's event.

News · 10. December 2019

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General Assembly of IFLA Europe in Antalya

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The 30th General Assembly of IFLA Europe, the European association of landscape architects, was held in Antalya, Turkey, from 6 to 10 November 2019.

News · 02. December 2019

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50th meeting of the Public Relations Working Group

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On Friday, 22 November 2019, the public relations spokespersons of the bdla regional groups met in Berlin for their 50th meeting.

News · 27. November 2019

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