Join the discussion! For the last time in 2024, bdla Bayern invites you to the LAtalks salon discussions. This time on the topic of "Simply build!", building culture in the area of conflict between environmental crisis, quality requirements and planning security.
The Building Type e initiative of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects aims to simplify construction while at the same time encouraging and encouraging experimentation. Do we also have opportunities to simplify our planning and construction methods in open spaces and at the same time do justice to building culture, climate change and the promotion of biodiversity? Can experimental, nature-oriented planning and construction methods that creatively search for alternatives sufficiently replace the established, but often highly technical solutions and at the same time satisfy aesthetic demands?
Can nature-oriented construction methods better respond to the desire for beauty and the experience of nature, or do they throw us far behind our landscape and garden culture standards? Is there also a risk that functionality, stability and safety will fall by the wayside as legitimate requirements? And could 'simple', in the sense of simpler rules and standards, promote the protection and development of green spaces and landscapes, or do we not rather risk that green spaces and the environment will "fall by the wayside" in the event of deregulation?
We want to discuss these questions with our guests and are looking forward to another exciting and insightful evening!
LAtalks. Salon Talks "Green at any price (?)"
Part 4: Simply build! Building culture between environmental crisis, quality requirements and planning security
Place and date:
Tuesday, 26.11.2024. Admission: 18:00, start: 18:30
Mucbook Kaffeehaus @Loci. Dachauer Straße 23, 80335 Munich
Panel guests:
- Andrea Brandl. Landscape architect, project manager at the Office for Urban Planning, Environment and Climate Protection of the City of Freising
- Prof. Tilman Latz. Professor of Planning and Design in Landscape Architecture, HSWT and partner at Latz Partner Landschaftsarchitektur Stadtplanung Architektur, Kranzberg
- Prof. Florian Nagler. Professor of Design and Construction, TUM and Managing Director of Florian Nagler Architekten, Munich
- Prof. Ludwig Schegk. Professor of Construction Management in Landscape Architecture, HfWU Nürtingen Geislingen and owner of Schegk Landschaftsarchitekten, Haimhausen
- Dr. Martin Kraus-Vonjahr. Head of Department, Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport, Munich
Andreas Rockinger, landscape architect / moderator
Admission is free. Please register via
Please note that images will be taken and the event will be recorded for internal purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed, please contact Elisabeth Auer / Nicole Meier before the event.
Part 1 on November 9, 2023 was dedicated to dealing with historic places and sites in the context of climate change and biodiversity. You can read a follow-up report here. Part 2 on February 21, 2024 was dedicated to the paradigm shift in street space - public space in the field of tension between mobility and climate adaptation. You can find the follow-up report here. Part 3 on May 8, 2024 was dedicated to the topic of green gentrification or the question of social green.
In the "Green at any price (?)" series, various aspects of urban design are discussed in a moderated format and in a relaxed atmosphere with salon guests, with the audience also having their say. The Bavarian Chamber of Architects is a cooperation partner of the series.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0