




With Zukunft Landschaftsarchitektur, bdla Bayern regularly addresses topics that concern the profession and the association.

Positions on important topics and events can be found here every few months, as well as portraits from current events.

Comments: Send us your opinion via We are happy to publish contributions here if you give us your name, job title and place of residence (will not be published).

8 Debate contributions

Debate: Sustainability in landscape architecture

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Hardly any other term has been used as frequently as sustainability for years and at the same time is so poorly defined in practical application. In Bavaria, in contrast to other federal states such as Berlin or cities such as Copenhagen, there are as yet no binding specifications, but this is only a question of time. Topics such as life cycle costs, life cycle assessments and process quality are global challenges that landscape architects will undoubtedly have to face even more strongly in the future and as pioneers in Bavaria as well.

The organisers Lars Möller (DGGL Bayern Nord) and Norman Riede (bdla Bayern) will reveal what you can expect from the all-day specialist seminar Sustainability in Landscape Architecture (28.3., Nuremberg), at which the landscape architects Eike Richter and Matthias Kolle will be available to answer your questions as long-standing experts.

Debate contributions · 26. February 2019

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Architects, not architecture. A conversation about architectural mediation

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We don't know about you. We, for one, have been waiting a long time for a format like Architects, not architecture. Because we, too, have long been preoccupied with the question of how architecture can be communicated to a large audience in an entertaining way.

This format plays so wonderfully lightly with the themes of architecture by deliberately not letting the protagonists talk about their projects. The focus is always on the planners themselves. What sounds strange at first develops an unexpected and valuable dynamic. Above all, the principles and convictions of the creators shine through. This often provides the listener with more food for thought than lengthy lectures on individual projects and their details.

We talked to Fermín Tribaldos, the mastermind behind "Architects, not architecture", about how his format came about, what he hopes to achieve with it and what visitors to his events, which are now also taking place outside Germany, can look forward to.

Debate contributions · 12. September 2018

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Landscape architecture eXport: Africa

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In the new edition of our Landscape Architecture eXport event series, we will be devoting ourselves to the continent of Africa (20 July, 6:30 p.m. at the Vorhoelzer Forum Munich).

Dorothée Hock of sichtfeld Landschaftsarchitektur from Frankfurt/Asbach will report on the Wolkite University Campus Masterplan project (Ethiopia). Gunhild Brandhoff of Brandhoff Voß Landschaftsarchitekten bdla from Munich will present the project Convention Hotel Convention Center IT-Office-Park Kigali (Rwanda).

We have already talked to the two speakers in advance about their professional and personal experiences on site.

Debate contributions · 12. June 2018

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Accessibility in the outdoor area

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Since 2013, the Bavarian state government has been working hard to advance the issue of accessibility, with a particular focus on mobility, education and state buildings that are accessible to the public.

We spoke to Christine Degenhart, President of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, and Oswald Utz, Honorary Commissioner for the Disabled of the City of Munich, about how this ambitious goal can be achieved and how far they see the process progressing.

Debate contributions · 17. May 2018

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Redensification - a commentary by Prof. Schöbel, TU Munich

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Debate contributions · 05. January 2018

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Redensification - a commentary by Wolfgang Czisch, Münchner Forum

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Debate contributions · 02. January 2018

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Redensification - a conversation with Klaus Neumann and Tilman Latz

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The state capital of Munich is expecting an influx of around 300,000 new citizens within the next 20 years. But where and how should this growth take place?

If one goes by the latest study of the planning association Äußerer Wirtschaftsraum München (Outer Munich Economic Area), redensification does not seem to be an option, but rather an inevitability for a long time. "The metropolitan area is running out of building land" was the headline in the Süddeutsche Zeitung back in September. And Bayerischer Rundfunk is devoting a special theme day today to the topic of the future of our cities.

We have interviewed Klaus Neumann from realgrün landschaftsarchitekten and Tilman Latz from Latz

Debate contributions · 29. November 2017

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Why bdla? Two offices, two opinions

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To kick off our series, we talked to Florian Otto, co-owner of bauchplan ).( and Norman Riede, owner of Riede Landschaftsarchitektur in Nuremberg.

Debate contributions · 07. September 2017

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