

10 Announcements

Federal government passes climate adaptation law

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Government draft for a Climate Adaptation Act presented by the Federal Environment Ministry passed on 13.7.2023.

The Act creates for the first time a strategic framework for precautionary climate adaptation at all administrative levels in Germany. Cities and municipalities are particularly affected when it comes to concrete precautions for the consequences of the climate crisis. Therefore, this bill is intended to mandate the states to ensure systematic and comprehensive climate adaptation strategies in the states and climate adaptation concepts for the areas of municipalities and districts. At the same time, the bill commits the federal government to pursue a precautionary climate adaptation strategy with measurable goals in the future.

News · 17. July 2023

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Special Report of the German Advisory Council on the Environment published

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At the end of June 2023, the expected report was officially handed over to Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and Health Minister Prof. Karl Lauterbach. The central message is that environmental and health issues should be considered together more consistently by politicians.

News · 12. July 2023

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Amendment of the Procurement Ordinance: considerable impact feared

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On June 16, 2023, the Bundesrat (upper house of the German parliament) approved by a majority an ordinance of the federal government which, by amending the public procurement ordinance, will presumably result in almost all public planning tasks having to be awarded according to the rules of EU law in the future. The planners' associations have already developed a critical position paper on this in March 2023, which the bdla has co-signed along with the BAK, BIngK, BDA and SRL, among others.

News · 12. July 2023

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Competition "Our village has a future" ended: seven "gold villages

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On June 30, 2023, the jury selected the winners of the 27th national competition "Our Village has a Future" of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The "Gold Villages" are: Bliesmengen-Bolchen, Fredersdorf (Potsdam-Mittelmark district), Huglfing, Kirchboitzen, Marbeck, Meinheim and Mensfelden.

They impressed with outstanding civic commitment, exemplary ideas and innovative concepts to develop their villages to be future-proof and resilient. They each receive prize money of €15,000. In addition, nine villages were honored with silver (€10,000 prize money) and six villages with bronze (€5,000 prize money).

News · 11. July 2023

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Recommendations of the bdla for an appropriate consideration of climate adaptation in urban planning law

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The German government has already launched a number of legal initiatives with regard to climate adaptation and climate protection. The recently published draft for a federal climate adaptation law is a step in the right direction. The bdla is now taking the upcoming amendment of the Building Code as an opportunity to formulate essential elements for a climate-adapted urban planning law.

News · 29. June 2023

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Gardens of the Year 2024 wanted. Submission until 20.7.2023

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Private gardens in German-speaking countries can be submitted until July 20, 2023.

The Callwey publishing house lobs for the ninth time the competition GARDENS OF THE YEAR out; looked for the best of Landschaftsarchitekt:innen/ enterprises from the garden and landscape gardening arranged private gardens in the German-speaking countries.

News · 23. June 2023

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Position paper on planning acceleration: Modernize compensation

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The consequences of the "Modernization Package for Climate Protection and Planning Acceleration", which was adopted by the coalition committee of the German government on March 28, 2023, are being intensively discussed in politics and planning practice.

News · 22. June 2023

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German Landscape Architecture Award 2023: Award ceremony on September 15, 2023 in Berlin

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On the evening of September 15, 2023, the honors in the 16th year of the German Landscape Architecture Award competition will be presented at the Allianz Forum at the Brandenburg Gate.

News · 22. June 2023

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Open space and mobility

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Cities are growing, and with them the pressure on the use of public spaces is also increasing. Multifunctional and space-efficient settlement, transport, open and green space planning is a central key to more environmental and quality of life in cities.

News · 20. June 2023

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AGREED: BDA/bdla POLICY TALK on climate adaptation policy

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We regret to have to cancel the BDA/bdla-POLITIK-TALK on the Federal Climate Change Act announced for Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 7 p.m. due to scheduling reasons of our guests.

We will inform you about an alternative date at the appropriate time. We thank you for your interest and ask for your understanding.

bdla President Prof. Stephan Lenzen and BDA President Susanne Wartzeck in conversation with Chris Kühn, State Secretary BMUV, Greens, and Dr. Anja Weisgerber, CSU

In its coalition agreement, the German government explicitly addresses the issue of climate adaptation and has already launched a number of initiatives in this regard. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has now recently published a first draft for a Federal Climate Adaptation Act, which is now being voted on and will probably be submitted to the Bundestag for debate by the end of this year. It is high time for bdla and BDA to discuss this with representatives from the government and the opposition.

News · 14. June 2023

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