

3 News

Uwe Isterling is dead. The profession was his life.

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At the age of 85, Uwe Isterling, chairman of bdla-Hamburg from 1978 to 1989 and long-time assessor in the bdla presidium, passed away in Hamburg on December 14, 2016.

News · 08. February 2017

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§ 13b BauGB: SRL and bdla reject new building planning law

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The current government draft for the amendment of the Building Code contains a new § 13b. The introduction of § 13b BauGB is intended to enable settlement expansions adjacent to coherently built-up districts in a simplified procedure in accordance with '§ 13a Bebauungspläne der Innenentwicklung'.

News · 25. January 2017

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Cost group 540 - Performance obligations and fee issues

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In almost every major outdoor facility there are technical installations - power lines, water pipes, lights, ducts and others.

News · 30. November 2016

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