

10 News

Significance of the new law on contracts for work and services for landscape architects

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On 1 January 2018, a fundamentally revised law on contracts for work and services will come into force in the German Civil Code. This is the most far-reaching change to the provisions on contracts for work and services, some of which are over 120 years old.

News · 11. December 2017

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Amendment of urban development and spatial planning law

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By Hubertus von Dressler

The amendments to urban development and spatial planning law, the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the Federal Nature Conservation Act and other legal bases passed in summer 2017 affect the daily work of planners in various areas.

News · 11. December 2017

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bdla comments on the draft DIN 276 - outcome open

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After around two years of intensive work, the draft for the update of DIN 276 was presented in May 2017.

News · 30. November 2017

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Workshop meeting on the modification of the environmental impact assessment on 12 January 2018.

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The new Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) came into force on 29 July 2017. Many colleagues who deal with environmental assessments are currently asking themselves various questions about interpretations and practical application.

News · 14. November 2017

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New bdla committees on international affairs launched

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Prof. Fritz Auweck welcomed eight bdla members to the first meeting of the International Committee on 6 October 2017 at the Berlin Federal Office.

News · 23. October 2017

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Open letter: Recommendations of the SRU on the formation of a government

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The German Advisory Council on the Environment (Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen) has presented concise recommendations on the formation of a government.

News · 23. October 2017

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bdla brochure on cost group 540 published

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The bdla has recently published the free brochure "Technische Anlagen in Freianlagen - Planungsleistungen und Vorschläge zur Honorierung".

News · 17. October 2017

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New AHO booklet on fee calculation in urban land use planning published

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In the series of publications of the AHO the booklet 36 "Bewertungsmerkmale für die Ermittlung der Honorarzone in der Bauleitplanung" has been published.

News · 12. October 2017

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Presentation of the German Landscape Architecture Award 2017 in Berlin

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On 29 September 2017, the competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2017 came to an end with the festive award ceremony in Berlin.

News · 04. October 2017

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bdla treasurer about the new contribution rules and the online contribution calculator

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In an article for the current bdla association magazine, bdla treasurer Harald Fugmann explains the background to the bdla's new contribution rules, which have been in force since this year.

News · 29. September 2017

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