
3 News - Berlin/Brandenburg

bdla Berlin/Brandenburg demands: Hands off the Spreebogenpark!

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There are reports in the press that one party in the House of Representatives is proposing to build on the Spreebogen.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 12. July 2016

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A new understanding of urban green

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Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten (bdla Berlin/Brandenburg) calls for expanded functions of green spaces in the city Thinking more about green and open spaces on an aesthetic, technical and social level

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 08. July 2016

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Top management of the association strengthened

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  • Eike Richter new chairman of the state association
  • Britta Deiwick, Philipp Sattler and Axel Klapka deputy chairmen, Karsten Standke continues as managing director
  • March: Anchoring landscape architecture in urban development

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 13. June 2016

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