
10 News - Berlin/Brandenburg

How does co-habitation succeed? Biodiversity as a design task. Seminar on June 8, 2023 in Berlin

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A cooperation event of the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg with the Senate Department for Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection Berlin.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 06. March 2023

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New Year's Reception of the Green Associations Berlin/Brandenburg on 29.01.2023

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After the first joint New Year's Reception of the Green Associations Berlin/Brandenburg took place in January 2020, it had to be cancelled twice due to the pandemic.

The participating associations FGL, DDGL and bdla are very pleased that in 2023 the event can be held again!

Sunday, 29.01.23, 11.00 a.m.

Castle Altdöbern, Am Park, 03229 Altdöbern

The New Year's Reception will be held in a historic setting at Altdöbern Castle near Calau in southern Brandenburg. A bus shuttle to the regional train will be provided.

In early 2023, all members of the associations as well as other stakeholders from politics, administration, press and friendly organizations will be personally invited to the New Year's reception. Interested parties can, in addition to the contact options listed in the invitation, also register with the office at the mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 15. December 2022

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Advanced training seminar "UPDATE - Stormwater Management" on 25.11.2022 in Berlin

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Today, no project can get by without stormwater management. The calculation of infiltration systems has become routine, and the verification of flooding poses major challenges for many a construction project in densely built-up urban areas.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 21. October 2022

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The answer my friend: Site search for Berlin's new wind turbines

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Berlin is expected to have to designate 0.25% of its state land for wind energy use by 2027 and 0.5 is 2032. This means that the German capital, like other city states, has to make a reduced area contribution compared to area states.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 26. August 2022

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2nd bdla compact retreat on June 18, 2022

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"I am not concerned with what has been done. I am interested in what must be done." (Marie Curie)

That's why we want to do a future workshop with you/you in bdla Berlin/Brandenburg again, like in 2017.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 25. May 2022

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Invitation to the annual kick-off meeting 2022

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Traditionally, we invite all new members and all members of the state association who are active in the bdla at the federal level in working groups, committees, etc. to the first open meeting of the Extended Board 2022 to get to know each other and to exchange ideas.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 12. January 2022

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The new government must act quickly to save the urban green!

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A broad alliance of associations calls on newly elected House of Representatives to immediately adopt the Charter for Berlin's Urban Green and Ecological Building Code.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 10. November 2021

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Seminar "Fair procurement in the sub-threshold sector" on 28.9.2021

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A large proportion of public contracts for planning services are below the EU threshold. Both sides, the contracting authorities and the planning offices, are dependent on the correct execution of the contract awards.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 07. September 2021

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Hall of LA-Femme

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In June 2021 the festival "WILA 24h - Women in Landscape Architecture" took place in Berlin, presented by bdla Berlin/Brandenburg. It showed in lectures, workshops and discussions how committed, creative, diverse, self-confident, collegial and argumentative women act in everyday professional life.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 20. July 2021

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Deposit waste paper? The charter for Berlin's urban green must finally be adopted!

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A broad alliance of associations is campaigning for Berlin's most important nature conservation project for the next generations, the Charter for Berlin's Urban Green.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 19. July 2021

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