
10 News - Berlin/Brandenburg

Review: WILA 2021 Festival Woman in Landscapearchitecture in Berlin

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WILA 24 h - Women in Landscape Architecture offered personal insights into the working world and perspectives of female landscape architects from Berlin and Brandenburg on June 5 and 6, 2021, and opened a space for discussion and networking.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 01. July 2021

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Sustainable school open spaces: bdla bb in exchange with the Federal Parents' Council

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Eike Richter, chairman of the BDLA regional group Berlin/Brandenburg (bdla bb) was invited by the Federal Parents' Council to give a lecture at its hybrid spring plenary session on 27.03.21 in Berlin on the subject of "Sustainable school open spaces as learning and experience spaces".

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 15. March 2021

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Election call for the election of the 11th Assembly of Representatives of the Berlin Chamber of Architects

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Have an active say in the future of the Chamber! From 12 February to 19 March 2021, all Chamber members can cast their vote and elect the members of the Representative Assembly.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 03. February 2021

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The new state board has started its work!

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The board of the Berlin-Brandenburg regional group has taken up its business in a new form and met for its constituent meeting at the Mittenwalde office.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 05. November 2020

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Position Paper Qualified Open Space Plan

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In Berlin, the amendment of the building code is currently being discussed. The bdla Berlin/Brandenburg has presented a position paper on the introduction of an ecological instrument in the building code.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 25. September 2020

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Professional associations demand: "Stop demolition plans at Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark immediately!"

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The Berlin Senate wants to demolish the stadium in the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, the bdla Berlin-Brandenburg and the Berlin branch of the BDA demand that the plans be stopped.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 11. June 2020

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Together for more building culture in the state of Brandenburg

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BDLA Berlin-Brandenburg is a founding member of the Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg e.V.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 23. February 2020

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Berlin in a buying frenzy. bdla demands strategic land provision for green infrastructure!

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Press release of the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg

For the first time in decades, Berlin finds itself in the position of having a stockpiling land policy. But there is no trace of a targeted and strategic approach.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 20. February 2020

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Festival Women In Architecture in Berlin postponed to 2021

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WOMEN IN ARCHITECTURE (WIA) BERLIN 2020 is also affected by developments due to the Corona virus outbreak.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 11. February 2020

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Workshop "Outdoor spaces and open spaces at schools" on 20.02.20 in Berlin

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In cooperation with the Senate Department for Education, the bdla Berlin-Brandenburg and Grün macht Schule, the State Advisory Council for School Construction invites you to the workshop discussion "Outdoor spaces and open areas at schools".

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 29. January 2020

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