
10 News - Berlin/Brandenburg

Training seminar "HOAI and contracts" of the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg on 11 October 2017

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The event is dedicated to technical installations in outdoor facilities and A-construction contract outdoor facilities.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 09. October 2017

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Conference InISideIOut - Green Infrastructure as a Development Impulse in Berlin-Brandenburg

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Cities are growing. This trend is irreversible and has now also reached the capital Berlin. Growing cities are becoming metropolises and interrelationships are emerging between regions across administrative and national borders.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 11. September 2017

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Advanced training seminar Evaluating and balancing interventions in the state of Berlin

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13.10.2017, Berlin. Since 1994, Berlin has had its own assessment procedure for the evaluation and balancing of interventions in the state of Berlin, the Auhagen procedure.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 15. August 2017

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Successful symposium "Housing open space: densification without destruction!?"

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The joint event of the Fachgemeinschaft Bau Berlin und Brandenburg e.V., the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur (DGGL) LV Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., the Fachverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. and the Bundes Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten (bdla) Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg on 22 June 2017 at the Visitor Centre of the IGA 2017 in Berlin-Marzahn was a complete success.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 02. July 2017

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Densification without destruction: associations call for redensification with a sense of proportion

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The joint symposium "Wohnraum Freiraum: Verdichtung ohne Vernichtung!?" on 22 June in the Visitor Centre of the IGA 2017 Berlin was a great success and had a total of around 100 participants.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 01. July 2017

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Symposium "Living Space Open Space" on 22 June 2017 at the IGA Berlin

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Densification without destruction! Regional construction industry, landscape gardeners and landscape architects call for redensification with a sense of proportion / Expert conference at the IGA Berlin

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 01. July 2017

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Symposium on 22 June 2017: "Housing open space: densification without destruction!?"

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Open spaces as places of everyday life in the neighbourhood are central to urban coexistence.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 10. June 2017

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Very good result in the election for the representative assembly of the Berlin Chamber of Architects

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The bdla Berlin/Brandenburg has performed very well in the election for the 10th representative assembly of the Berlin Chamber of Architects.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 28. April 2017

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Participation in the election for the representative assembly of the Berlin Chamber of Architects

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The bdla Berlin/Brandenburg participates with two lists in the election for the 10th representative assembly of the Berlin Chamber of Architects.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 20. February 2017

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bdla Berlin/Brandenburg recommends: Vote NO in the referendum Fraenkelufer!

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The Association of German Landscape Architects bdla Berlin/Brandenburg calls on citizens to stand up for the Fraenkelufer in Berlin-Kreuzberg and the planning process so far. The upgrading of the Fraenkelufer that has begun must be continued!

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 24. November 2016

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