
10 News - Berlin/Brandenburg

New Year's Reception of the Green Associations on 16.2.2020

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The joint New Year's reception of FGL, bdla and DGGL in Berlin and Brandenburg will take place on Sunday, 16 February 2020 from 11.00 - 14.00 at the Delphi Filmtheater Weißensee.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 26. January 2020

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Seminar "Quality Offensive for the New Berlin School Construction Program - Open Spaces: Ensuring the Quality of School Open Spaces".

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At the end of 2018, the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg formed a working group on the Berlin Senate's school construction programme and drew up a position paper.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 28. August 2019

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Symposium "Rural towns: opportunities for green development outside metropolitan areas" on 22.08.2019 at the State Garden Show Wittstock/Dosse

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The bdla Berlin/Brandenburg organises in cooperation with the Fachverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau (FGL) Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur (DGGL) Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg. e. V. (German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture) on 22.08.2010 the symposium "Country towns: chances of green development outside metropolitan areas".

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 30. June 2019

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Invitation to the ordinary general meeting of the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg

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The bdla Berlin-Brandenburg invites you to the Annual General Meeting of 2019 on 20 May 2019.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 09. May 2019

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Talks about Berlin's urban green

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The kick-off meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 3:00 - 6:00 pm.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 15. April 2019

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Position paper of the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg on the school building offensive of the state of Berlin

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At the end of 2018, the bdla Berlin/Brandenburg took an in-depth look at the school construction programme of the state of Berlin and formed a working group for this purpose.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 13. January 2019

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The winners of the 2018 Corporate Gardens Competition have been announced!

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For the second time, the competition for the best corporate gardens in Berlin was held, and the winners were announced at the awards ceremony on 6 September 2018.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 06. September 2018

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Awards ceremony at the 2018 Corporate Gardens Competition on September 6, 2018.

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On September 6, 2018, the winners of the second Berlin 2018 Corporate Garden Competition will be announced.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 05. September 2018

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Architecture festival MakeCity 2018: bdla Berlin/Brandenburg represented with numerous events

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From 14 June to 1 July 2018, the "Festival for Architecture

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 03. January 2018

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bdla-bb founding partner of the architecture festival MakeCity.Berlin

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The Berlin/Brandenburg regional group of the bdla is participating in MakeCity.Berlin 2018 as a founding partner.

News - Berlin/Brandenburg · 24. December 2017

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