
Bild: D. v. Dressler

10 News - Niedersachsen+Bremen

skript 17 - Landscape architecture exhibition

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At the work show

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 14. November 2017

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Drafting regulations for landscape architects

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On 25 September 2017, the Act on the Reorganisation of the Professional Law for Engineers and the Amendment of the Lower Saxony Building Code was passed.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 26. October 2017

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Association public board meeting on 11.1.2018

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The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Association N B will be held on Thursday 11 January 2018 from 16.00 at the ALAND office, Gerberstr. 4, 30169 Hannover.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 26. October 2017

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LASKO 2017 in Hannover

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The Student Conference Landscape will take place in Hanover this year.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 26. October 2017

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Canon of events of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape in Hanover

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Right at the start of the 2017/2018 winter semester, there are three public events scheduled next Tuesday, October 24, 2017.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 20. October 2017

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Hanover nominated for the German Sustainability Award of the Allianz Environmental Foundation

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The German Sustainability Award honours the sustainability commitment of German municipalities.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 09. October 2017

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General meeting on 1 September in Oldenburg

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A lively circle of interested members met at the Hafenhaus in Oldenburg to discuss the topic of "awarding" in Lower Saxony using examples in a thoroughly controversial manner.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 23. September 2017

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Company Gardens 2017 - Award Ceremony

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The winners have been chosen in the Corporate Gardens competition, which this year focused on the health, care and therapy sectors.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 23. September 2017

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Materials use series - trip to Lorberg tree nursery will not take place

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The trip to Ziethen as part of the materials use series planned for September 21, 2017, unfortunately has to be cancelled due to lack of participants.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 12. September 2017

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Cultural and natural history Sunday walk near Wülfinghausen Monastery

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In keeping with the annual theme of the DGGL "Cultural Landscapes", the DGGL Lower Saxony Regional Association is undertaking a Sunday walk on 10 September 2017 in the southern area of the Hannover region.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 24. August 2017

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