
Bild: D. v. Dressler

10 News - Niedersachsen+Bremen

Mapping key for biotope types in Lower Saxony - new edition

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In Lower Saxony, biotope mapping is carried out on the basis of the mapping key for biotope types published by the nature conservation authority. The mapping key is geared towards area-wide and selective biotope mapping in Lower Saxony at scales of 1:5,000 and 1:10,000, but can also serve as a basis for surveys at smaller or larger scales.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 29. March 2020

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Children's play area location law in Bremen

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The draft law on the location of children's play areas has now been amended after taking into account a number of comments made during the hearing procedure. Among other things, the "Green Bremen" alliance had criticised the fact that only 5 sqm of play area/WE should be prescribed for WE between 40 and 70 sqm (here it was previously 10 sqm). It was demanded that this regulation be reversed and the "old" stipulation of 10 sqm playground area for WE over 40 sqm be retained as in the previous law. The bill will be amended accordingly. In future, the size of the usable play area must be a uniform 10 m² for all residential units with more than 40 m² of living space.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 06. March 2020

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Amendment of the NTVergG as of 01.01.2020

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With the amendment of the law, among other things, the entry threshold of the NTVergG is increased to EUR 20,000. The thresholds pursuant to Section 106 (2) No. 1 GWB are set at e.g. EUR 5,350,000 for construction contracts and EUR 214,000 for supply and service contracts as of 01.01.2020. Beneficiaries below the EU thresholds will be excluded from the scope of application.

In addition, the provisions of the Sub-Threshold Procurement Regulations (UVgO) and the current Procurement and Contract Regulations for Construction Works, Part A (VOB/A 2019) will now apply in Lower Saxony when the Act comes into force on 01.01.2020.

The non-official reading version of the NTVergG as pdf under the following link

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 26. January 2020

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Statement on the draft of a children's play area location law for the municipality of Bremen

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The bdla Lower Saxony Bremen has joined the statement of the Green Bremen Alliance on the draft of a children's play area location law.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 18. November 2019

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Statement on the draft law for the amendment of the Bremen Architects Act

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Together with ASAP and SRL, bdla Niedersachsen Bremen has commented on the amendment of the Bremen Architects Act. In particular, it welcomes the fact that the minimum period of study for the specialisations of interior architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning is to be raised to 4 years.

Critical reference is made to the guidelines on training content, which do not correspond to the current level of training at German and European universities.

The complete statement is available for download.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 08. November 2019

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Garden perspectives - Green prospects for building culture? An unequivocal yes

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10 years of the Netzwerk Baukultur and 10 years of the Garden Region Hannover - celebrated with a successful and versatile party in the Arne-Jacobsen-Foyer in the Herrenhäuser Gärten.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 08. October 2019

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Statement on the Lower Saxony Implementation Act to the Federal Nature Conservation Act

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The Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Building, Energy and Climate Protection has asked for comments on the draft amendment to the NAGBNatSchG as part of the associations' participation. Holger Runge (Planungsgruppe Umwelt), Georg Grobmeyer (ALAND) and Hubertus v. Dressler (Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences) have written a statement for the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 29. September 2019

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Association public board meeting on 21.10.2019

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The next meeting of the N B State Association Board of Directors will be held on Monday, 10/21/2019 beginning at 4:00 pm.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 09. September 2019

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Obituary of Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Liesecke

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With the death of Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Liesecke, born in Halberstadt, at the age of 88, a long-standing member of the BDLA and, in particular, a personality with an international reputation, who was pioneering in the development and high technical level of green roofs in particular.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 03. September 2019

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Garden perspectives - Green prospects for building culture?

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How can building and garden culture shape liveable cities? What challenges does the development and rehabilitation of historic parks bring? Do garden initiatives strengthen common identities and the capacity for democracy? How is garden knowledge passed on to the next generation?

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 01. September 2019

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