
Bild: D. v. Dressler

10 News - Niedersachsen+Bremen

Architecture. Education. Landscape - 11th Symposium for the Promotion of Building Culture in Lower Saxony

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11th Symposium for the Promotion of Building Culture in Lower Saxony on 23 June 2017 in Hanover

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 19. May 2017

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Squares, parks and co. - The future at Waterlooplatz in Hanover

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The discussion about inner-city open spaces in Hannover continues with an event on the future at Waterlooplatz on

29 May 2017 from 18.00 - 20.30, at the Volkshochschule Hannover, Burgstr. 14

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 18. May 2017

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Board meeting open to the public on 29 May in Hanover

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The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Association N B will take place on

Monday 29 May 2017 from 16.00 hrs.

Office ALAND, Gerberstr. 4, 30169 Hanover

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 24. April 2017

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Bremen - a green city with a future

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With the White Paper "Green in the City", the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has presented a comprehensive strategy for the sustainable development of urban green and open spaces in the city.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 24. April 2017

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Squares, parks and co. - The future of the Köbelinger Market in Hanover

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The event series Squares, Parks and Co. will be continued with an event on the future of the Köbelinger Markt in Hanover on

05 April 2017 from 18.00 - 21.00, at the KUBUS Gallery, Theodor-Lessing-Platz 2.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 31. March 2017

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13th International Day of Free Spaces in Osnabrück

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"Urban Open Spaces - Green Finger Inspiration" on April 27, 2017.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 31. March 2017

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CorporateGardens Competition 2017 - Wanted: The best gardens in the health, care, and

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For some time now, the design of therapy gardens has received increasing attention, both from a planning point of view and from the scientific community.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 27. March 2017

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Building culture in the Osnabrück region

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In Osnabrück, Martini I 50, the forum for architecture and design, strives to raise awareness of regional building culture.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 18. March 2017

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Bündnis Grünes Bremen - renouncement of the building of playgrounds

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A broad alliance, to which also the bdla N B belonged, warned in view of current extension plans for schools and Kindertagesstätten, of an impending loss of play surfaces in Bremen.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 18. March 2017

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On the art of modernising a garden landscape - The Kiel allotment garden development concept

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The DGGL, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur e.V. (German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture) invited Maria Julius, landscape architect bdla,Trüper, Gondesen und Partner to Hanover to present the Kiel allotment garden development concept.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 22. February 2017

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