

10 News

Coalition agreement: Relevant contents from the perspective of landscape architecture

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The coalition agreement 2021 of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP addresses topics relevant to landscape architecture in many places. Here we have compiled the relevant passages for you in the wording.

News · 30. November 2021

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bdla Online Seminars Construction Management 2022

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Due to the pandemic, the 25th bdla Construction Manager Talks in January 2022 unfortunately cannot take place in the usual form. Nevertheless, in order to continue the professional exchange, the bdla has developed an online seminar series with five events on current topics related to construction technology and construction management.

News · 26. November 2021

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Christoph Schonhoff heads BAK Landscape Architecture Committee

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On November 22, 2022, the members of the BAK Landscape Architecture Committee met for their fall meeting.

News · 25. November 2021

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BMU: Funding for climate risk adaptation management

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The German Federal Environment Ministry is promoting precautionary measures against climate risks in municipalities. Cities and municipalities can apply for funding from December 1, 2021.

News · 24. November 2021

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Architecture Award of the City of Munich to Andrea Gebhard

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Andrea Gebhard, landscape architect bdla, mahl ∙ gebhard ∙ konzepte, Munich, was awarded the <a href="

News · 24. November 2021

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"Solutions of the year" sought

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Every year, Callwey Verlag presents the "Gardens of the Year" award for the most beautiful private gardens in German-speaking countries. In 2022 already for the seventh time. On the way to the perfect garden, however, one thing should not be forgotten - the products that help to make a garden more beautiful, more diverse and more individual.

News · 24. November 2021

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No climate change without a turnaround in construction

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On 18.11.2021 the conference of building ministers will meet in Erfurt. The initiative Architects for Future A4F has written an open letter to the building ministers with seven concrete proposals for changes to the building code - so far without a response.

News · 10. November 2021

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Gravel gardens versus rock gardens: A commentary by the bdla Bayern

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The bdla Bavaria demands in a statement a demarcation of the rightly criticized gravel gardens from rock gardens, gravel mulch and gravelly soil substrates.

News · 04. November 2021

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Meeting bdla Education committee with LASKO participants

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On 01 October 2021, a spontaneous discussion took place in Erfurt at the University of Applied Sciences between the spokespersons of the bdla working group on education and student representatives from all over Germany. The latter were on the occasion of the Student Conference Landscape, in short LASKO, from 27 September to 1 October "Plan/los!" at the UAS. The meeting of both bodies - student body and professional body - at the same place was used for getting to know each other personally and for an exchange of information.

News · 27. October 2021

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Professional policy survey 2021

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Office succession, construction management, BIM are current topics of the chamber members

In the 2nd quarter of 2021, the chambers of architects in the federal states, under the auspices of the Federal Chamber of Architects, conducted an online survey of all chamber members on professional policy issues. How has Corona changed everyday working life? How do colleagues deal with HOAI price dumping? Is selling one's office an integral part of retirement planning? What about the willingness to become self-employed? What role does work-life balance play in job choice? Have local authorities invested in better staffing and BIM?

News · 26. October 2021

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