

10 News

documenta fifteen - bdla excursion on 1 and 2 July 2022

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On Friday, 1 July 2022 and Saturday, 2 July 2022, the city of Kassel and the bdla invite you to an excursion to the documenta city of Kassel.

News · 06. October 2021

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Federal Congress Building Green on 23/24.11.2021 in Berlin and Online

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The German Green Building Association (Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.). (BuGG) is organising a congress on 23 and 24 November 2021 under the motto "Where does Germany stand in terms of building greening?". The bdla is a cooperation partner, bdla members can participate at the reduced "BuGG participation fee".

News · 04. October 2021

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Survey by the Federal Environment Agency on "Urban Greening and Municipal Sustainability

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The survey serves to take stock of the status and benefits of climate adaptation, dual internal development and land preservation from the perspective of practitioners, as well as to identify knowledge gaps and information needs in connection with data bases and concepts on the subject of urban greening.

News · 28. September 2021

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What changes with the new insect protection law

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At the end of June 2021, the Bundestag and Bundesrat passed a comprehensive package of measures for insect protection.

News · 23. September 2021

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New AHO booklet "Special services in the object planning of outdoor facilities".

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The 2nd edition of booklet 29 of the AHO series of publications continues the overview and clarifications on services to be freely agreed for objects of outdoor facilities according to the HOAI 2021.

News · 23. September 2021

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Strengthening and qualification of landscape planning in built-up areas!

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By Prof. Dr.-Ing. Catrin Schmidt

Climate change is gaining speed and is associated with increasing climatic extreme events.

News · 23. September 2021

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Land policy in the mainstream?

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Answers from the parties to the "Soil Policy Election Test Questions for the 2021 Bundestag Election" of the Soil Turnaround Alliance are available

News · 22. September 2021

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Cool trees: performance of urban greenery in public places in Munich

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By Thomas Rötzer, Astrid Reischl, Vjosa Dervishi, Hans Pretzsch, Stephan Pauleit, Priscila Stark

News · 22. September 2021

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ASAP: New edition of professional criteria for the study of landscape architecture

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The Accreditation Association for Study Programmes in Architecture and Planning e.V. (ASAP) has published a revised edition of the Professional Criteria for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Landscape Architecture. The new edition also includes the Qualification Framework for Landscape Architecture Study Programmes.

News · 21. September 2021

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BDA Prize for Architectural Criticism. Award to Sabine Reeh, BR

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At this year's BDA Award for Architectural Criticism, Sabine Reeh and her station, Bayerischer Rundfunk, received one of the special awards.

News · 16. September 2021

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