

10 News

Statement on the draft law on the mobilisation of building land

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There is a shortage of housing in Germany. In order to promote new housing construction at affordable prices, the Federal Government has presented the draft of the Building Land Mobilisation Act.

The bdla is commenting on this as part of the hearing of associations.

News · 16. June 2020

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Reduction of VAT on planning projects

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On June 12, 2020, the federal government decided on a temporary reduction of the value-added tax. For example, from July to December 2020, the VAT rate is to be reduced from 19 to 16 percent, or from 7 to 5 percent. This will have a significant impact on the determination of tax rates for planning projects.

News · 16. June 2020

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Award of planning services - correct bidder behaviour

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The formalised awarding of planning services is also becoming increasingly important in landscape architecture and landscape planning.

News · 12. June 2020

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bdla statement on the German government's climate change adaptation strategy

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The Federal Government is currently preparing the second progress report of the German Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. The bdla is participating in the ongoing consultations.

News · 11. June 2020

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The freedom in Corona time measures 360 sqm

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Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences investigated the importance of gardens and green spaces during the Corona pandemic and the associated contact closures. For this purpose, 495 people from all population groups, i.e. proportionately according to age, gender, income and region, were surveyed at the end of May. "We can see that currently the use of both private gardens and public green spaces have a positive influence on life satisfaction," said Prof. Dr. Kai Sparke and Dr. Mira Lehberger from the Chair of Horticultural Economics.

News · 09. June 2020

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Federal Compensation Ordinance enters into force

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Since the beginning of June 2020, new rules for the protection of nature and landscape and for the compensation of interventions apply.

News · 08. June 2020

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Online lecture on the Planning Security Act (PlanungssicherstellungsG)

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On May 29, 2020, the "Act to Ensure Proper Planning and Permitting Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic" went into effect.

News · 29. May 2020

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Planning Security Act entered into force

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On 23 May 2020, the so-called Planning Safeguards Act came into force. This is intended to ensure that a large number of planning and approval procedures that require mandatory public participation do not come to a standstill or even fail due to the Corona pandemic. The law expires on 31 March 2021.

News · 28. May 2020

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Agricultural Culture Award 2020 announced

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An attractive rural area needs appropriate architecture. Since 2014, the Foundation LV Münster has awarded the LANDBAUKULTUR-PREIS every 2 years to exemplary agricultural outdoor facilities and buildings. Just as the land and its cultivation through farming or livestock husbandry shapes the buildings of the farmers, so too do the agricultural buildings and gardens shape the landscape.

News · 27. May 2020

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Economic recovery: planning and construction industry proposes four-point plan

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In a four-point plan "Economic stimulation through innovation and building culture", 21 associations of the planning and building industry, including the bdla, have summarised their proposals for politicians to overcome the Corona crisis.

News · 26. May 2020

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