

10 News

Exclusively for members: online seminar "Corona crisis - impact on planning and construction".

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The Corona pandemic poses major challenges to planning agencies not only from a health perspective, but also from an economic and legal perspective.

News · 19. March 2020

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"Successful green concepts in cities" 2019-2020 wanted.

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Husqvarna 2020 funding competition

Green infrastructure, climate resilience, sponge city, larger green city surface, biodiversity or muticodation - all these terms are part of the current discussion on how cities can adapt to changing conditions to become sustainably future-proof.

News · 18. March 2020

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"War and Peace": Focus of the bdla association magazine

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The bdla has dedicated the 1/2020 issue of "Landschaftsarchitekten" to the focus "War and Peace". The occasion is the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the liberation from National Socialism.

News · 17. March 2020

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Coronavirus: Advice for planning offices

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The increasing prevalence of the COVID-19 coronavirus will have a considerable impact on construction projects and planning offices.

News · 13. March 2020

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Canceled: No bdla Planting Planner Days in June 2020

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Due to the increasing spread of the corona virus COVID-19, the current general uncertainty and in order to support the nationwide measures against the spread of the corona virus, the 4th bdla Planting Planner Days will not take place in June 2020.

News · 13. March 2020

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Building land mobilisation law: replacement money and strengthening of inner development

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Since the beginning of this year, there has been intensive discussion in specialist circles about the so-called Building Land Mobilisation Act and the amendment to the Building Code that it is intended to bring about.

News · 10. March 2020

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BKompV: Federal government regulates compensation

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The Federal Government has presented an ordinance (19/17344) on the avoidance and compensation of interventions in nature and landscape within the jurisdiction of the Federal Administration (BKompV).

News · 10. March 2020

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Coalition committee on planning acceleration and urban development funding

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On March 8, 2020, the coalition committee of the federal government also made decisions that are of interest to landscape architects.

News · 10. March 2020

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Canceled: Urban Greening for All! Federal congress of the professional associations

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The Joint Federal Congress of Professional Associations planned for Friday, 29 May 2020, and Saturday, 30 May 2020, in Kiel will not take place. The congress theme "Urban Greening for All! Promoting appreciation, enabling participation" will be held at the 2021 congress in Erfurt.

News · 09. March 2020

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New bdla model contract for subcontractor services

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Exclusively for the members of the bdla, a model for subcontractor contracts was developed by the association's legal advisor Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh.

News · 27. February 2020

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