

10 News

Statement on the planned insect protection law

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At the end of September 2020, the Federal Ministry for the Environment presented the draft bill for a law to protect insect diversity in Germany, the Insect Protection Act for short. The law serves to implement the "Insect Protection Action Programme - Working Together Effectively to Combat Insect Extinction", which was adopted by the Federal Cabinet last year.

News · 20. October 2020

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Checklist for the EU contract notice for planning services

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Exclusively for the members of the bdla, the legal advisor of the bdla, Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh, has prepared a checklist for the announcement of EU-wide award procedures for planning services.

News · 30. September 2020

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Cooling down in the neighbourhood - open spaces for playing

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Thinking about the aspects of green infrastructure in the planning means a plus to the everyday requirements of play areas.

News · 15. September 2020

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Learning landscape schoolyard

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Schoolyards are educational spaces. Their importance for social learning, for experiencing one's own effectiveness, for motor development and as spaces for self-directed action and learning are often still underestimated.

News · 15. September 2020

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DAM exhibition "Simply Green". Projects sought

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The Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM is planning an exhibition from 20 December 2020 to 2 May 2021 entitled"SIMPLE GREEN. Greening the city".

News · 02. September 2020

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Greens: Increase climate resilience of cities through more nature and open spaces

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The parliamentary group of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen is calling for more nature and open spaces for cities. This should strengthen the climate resilience of cities and prepare them for the effects of the climate crisis. Among other things, this is to be made possible by an urban development programme worth 800 million euros.

News · 13. August 2020

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Federal Cabinet approves bill to accelerate investments

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On 12 August 2020, the Federal Cabinet approved the draft of an Investment Acceleration Act. This is intended to make planning and approval procedures in the infrastructure sector faster and more effective.

News · 12. August 2020

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Ministry of Economics presents HOAI draft

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As is well known, the European Court of Justice ruled on 4 July 2019 that the mandatory minimum and maximum fee rates of the HOAI are not compatible with the EU Services Directive.

News · 12. August 2020

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10 minutes building culture. Podcast with Andrea Gebhard, landscape architect bdla

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On 24 June 2020, the Federal Foundation for Building Culture presented the Building Culture Report 2020/21 "Public Spaces". So it was only natural that the current podcast in the series "10 Minutes of Building Culture" should also deal with the design of public spaces. Andrea Gebhard, landscape architect bdla from Munich, talks about impulses for open space planning and the current Baukultur report.

News · 06. August 2020

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Federal Award for Urban Greening decided

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Six prizes and seven recognitions were awarded in the Federal Urban Greening Award 2020. This was announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs on 31 July 2020.

News · 03. August 2020

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