

10 News

HOAI 2021 - NO to ruinous price competition!

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Planning is valuable and must have its price

The HOAI 2021 comes into force on 1 January 2021. The HOAI will continue to provide a reliable orientation framework in the future. It is now up to the planners to use this framework and to achieve economically adequate and thus fair fees for their services.

News · 22. December 2020

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"Digitalisation": focus of the bdla association magazine

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The rapid digitalisation of the economy and society is also changing the work processes in planning offices. The focus of the issue 4/2020 of the bdla association magazine illuminates the experiences and challenges with the so-called "Building 4.0" for landscape architects from different perspectives.

News · 15. December 2020

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Leipzig Charter 2020: "Green City" as an important field of action

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The Leipzig Charter as a guideline for contemporary and public welfare-oriented urban development was reformed under the leadership of the German EU Council Presidency. On 30.11.2020, it was officially adopted by the EU member states at an informal meeting of ministers for urban development and spatial planning.

News · 09. December 2020

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Corona pandemic: Situation among landscape architects comparatively good

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In November, the third joint survey of the Federal Chamber of Architects and the Federal Chamber of Engineers on the economic impact of the Corona pandemic on architecture and engineering offices took place. 4,603 planning offices participated, including 2,702 architectural offices. After the office owners looked to the future with great concern in April 2020, the assessment of the current situation as well as the outlook has improved significantly. Nevertheless, the situation remains tense, with as many as 35 of the survey participants stating negative economic consequences. The situation for landscape architects is apparently significantly better than for the other three architectural disciplines, as 73 offices report NO negative effects.

News · 08. December 2020

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HOAI 2021: Online seminar with Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh on 19 January 2021

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On 1 January 2021, the amended HOAI will come into force. Dr. Sebastian Schattenfroh, legal advisor of the bdla, reports on the innovations of the fee regulations and their effects in an online seminar.

News · 27. November 2020

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Federal government adopts action plan for climate-proof Germany

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On 6 November 2020, the Federal Government adopted the current progress report on the German Adaptation Strategy. It aims to make Germany climate-proof with more than 180 measures, including against risks from high and low water or disrupted infrastructures.

News · 11. November 2020

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New HOAI comes into force on 01.01.2021

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On 06.11.2020, the Bundesrat approved the draft of the Ordinance amending the Fee Regulations for Architects and Engineers (HOAI) submitted by the Federal Government without amendments. The ordinance was published in the Federal Law Gazette on 07.12.2020. This means that the amended HOAI can enter into force as planned on 1 January 2021.

News · 10. November 2020

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Awarded - German Landscape Architecture Prize 2021

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Application in the online procedure. Deadline on 26 January 2021

The bdla has announced the German Landscape Architecture Award for the 15th time. With the more intensive use of urban and landscape spaces, ever higher demands are being placed on the performance of the environment. Urban growth and the simultaneous emptying of rural regions, climate change, the energy transition and economic challenges are generating pressure to adapt and conflicts. With great effort, existing infrastructures are currently being adapted to the changed conditions and entire systems are being rebuilt. For the development and realisation of these new systems, a fundamental rethinking is required at all planning levels. The term "green infrastructure" emphasises the importance of green space, open space and landscape planning for the provision of public services.

News · 04. November 2020

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Bridging aid II for freelancers

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As of now, applications for Bridging Assistance II can be submitted via the nationwide platform for the period from September to December 2020. The so-called Bridging Assistance II follows on from Bridging Assistance I (June to August 2020).

News · 22. October 2020

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BuGG online survey on green roofs and facades

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The Bundesverband GebäudeGrün is calling on bdla members, among others, to take part in an online survey on green roofs and facades.

News · 22. October 2020

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