

6 News

Presidium meeting: Advisory Board resolutions being implemented

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At the Governing Board meeting on June 7, 2018, the decisions from the Advisory Board meeting needed to be put into action.

News Executive committee · 15. September 2018

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Plant use working group: Review and outlook for the plant nursery and species identification

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Hybrid, the members of the Plant Use Working Group met on 8.10.2023 under the chairmanship of the newly elected expert spokesperson Claudia Blaurock, Dresden. There were intensive discussions about the Plant Planner Days 2023, which took place in Mannheim on 16/17 June.

News Committee Plant Use · 12. December 2023

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Working group on plant use: planting planter and "species recognition

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On October 14, 2022, the working group met for the first time this year. Topics were the follow-up of the Planting Planner Days 2022 as well as the preparation of the Planting Planner Days 2023, the upcoming change of expert speakers and the certification of plant knowledge at the Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences.

News Committee Plant Use · 12. December 2022

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Reasonable remuneration for planting planning within the overall contract!

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Plants that thrive well create essential amenity qualities in open spaces. The changing aspects such as scent, colour changes and blossoms touch the users and create lively, lovable places. Plants are currently being rediscovered as possible solutions to the problems of climate change.

News Committee Plant Use · 12. March 2021

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Plant Use Committee: "Adequate" plant planning

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On 22 July 2020, the Plant Use Committee met for its third web meeting of the current year, chaired by Prof. Dr. Swantje Duthweiler.

News Committee Plant Use · 14. September 2020

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Working Group on Plant Use: Building material "plant" core competence

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On 20 September 2019, the bdla working group on the use of plants held its constituent meeting in Berlin. The committee is chaired by Prof. Dr. Swantje Duthweiler.

News Committee Plant Use · 16. December 2019

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