

10 News

bdla advanced training "Special expertise climate adaptation" 2023

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The bdla is continuing its successful format: From April to June 2023, three one-day seminars will convey concepts and measures of climate adaptation in landscape architecture and planning.

Cooperation partners: Technical University Munich, Technical University Berlin, HafenCity University Hamburg, bgmr Landscape Architects, Berlin.

News · 24. January 2023

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Young landscape architects: "freshgreen_networked" on 16.02.2023

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The Meetup "frischgrün_vernetzt" is intended to promote and consolidate the exchange of ideas and networking within the young landscape architecture scene. Initiator is the working group Young Landscape Architects of the bdla.

News · 24. January 2023

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German Road and Transport Engineering Award 2023 announced

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Every two years, the prize is awarded for outstanding and future-oriented engineering achievements in the fields of traffic engineering, road planning and road construction.

News · 09. January 2023

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The garden of the earth

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Showing attitude for a climate-appropriate landscape architecture

The consequences of climate change and the urgent need for mitigation are the greatest challenges of the present. Climate adaptation and climate protection are the buzzwords.

News · 06. January 2023

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The three-dimensional city park. BAK Podcast with Leonard Grosch

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There are also podcasts on architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture, such as the one from the German Chamber of Architects. This is now in its fourth season and explores the question of how a sustainable way of living and building will change the profession.

News · 06. January 2023

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Sport in public open spaces and sports facilities

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Sports, games and exercise are becoming increasingly important in our society, especially with regard to informal sports activities in public open spaces. However, the diverse demands for use are pushing our green spaces to the limits of their capacity. Opening up formal sports and club facilities for informal use is an obvious solution. The first projects to this end have been implemented.

News · 21. December 2022

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New European Bauhaus - Call for projects

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Until January 31, 2023, projects and concepts can be submitted to the following four categories within the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative:

News · 19. December 2022

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How do we improve city life?

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By 2050, seven out of ten people could be living in urban regions. Cities should therefore be developed sustainably now in order to remain livable. Energy transition, transport, housing, digital management, the effects of climate change - the challenges are enormous.

News · 19. December 2022

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bdla supports BAK resolution on infringement proceedings

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Together with the planning associations and municipal umbrella organizations, the bdla has co-signed a resolution on the infringement proceedings of the EU Commission. Specifically, it concerns the abolition of § 3 para. 7 sentence 2 VgV (estimation of the contract value - award of lots) and the resulting obligation of a Europe-wide invitation to tender for planning services for construction projects from approximately € 1 million. The resolution appeals to the German government not to give in to the EU Commission and to wait for the legal assessment by the ECJ.

You can find the resolution on the website of the BAK

News · 19. December 2022

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Happy holidays, peaceful Christmas!

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2022 was an eventful year, and at times also a depressing one. As an association, we have come through these stormy times well and can look back on many successful initiatives. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who have accompanied us throughout and who are committed to the profession.

News · 19. December 2022

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