FRISCHGRÜN21 - 13 years after the exhibition of the same name by the bdla Berlin-Brandenburg, a nationwide presentation of the young landscape architecture scene is coming "on the market" this year, to be seen from July 7, 2021 at the BUGA in Erfurt and on the web.
News · 20. April 2021
With the increasing density of cities, advancing climate change and growing interest in greening buildings, the use of plants is currently becoming increasingly important in landscape architecture. This is accompanied by an increasing interest in and recognition of the need to strengthen planning competence with regard to the potential of plants and vegetation.
News · 12. April 2021
The Federal Ministry of the Interior for Building and Housing (BMI) and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) intend to carry out model projects in the new ExWoSt research field Green Urban Labs II.
News · 19. March 2021
The bdla BIM working group asks all freelance colleagues and planning offices to participate in a survey on BIM projects in landscape architecture. The aim is to obtain an overview of the status of BIM application in open space and landscape planning. The survey will run until Friday, 23 April 2021.
News · 18. March 2021
In order to exchange ideas among colleagues, the BIM working group of the bdla is initiating workshop discussions on BIM in landscape architecture, for the first time on 20.04.2021. The events, which will last around two hours, will take place digitally, starting at 16.30 hrs.
News · 18. March 2021
Expert judges selected 35 projects.Thejury will decide on the awarding of the first prize and the awards on 23 April 2021
They have been selected - the 35 nominated projects for the competition for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021. From 119 entries admitted to the competition, five expert judges made their selection in the virtual voting room between 10 February and 14 March 2021. The nominated works can be viewed at
News · 17. March 2021
In the update of the Sustainability Strategy 2021, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, based on the "Agenda 2030", are transferred into a national strategy. For the first time, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were identified.
News · 16. March 2021
Social cohesion, climate-resilient cities or digitisation of the construction sector - what can the next federal government achieve?
A new Bundestag will be elected in Germany on 26 September 2021. Together with 16 associations of the planning professions, including the bdla, the Federal Chamber of Architects and the Federal Chamber of Engineers have presented their election touchstones for the 2021 Bundestag elections. They include current core issues in architecture, urban planning and engineering; the focus is on urban development, climate and the environment, the liberal professions, building culture and digitalisation.
News · 16. March 2021
The bdla has published a current orientation guide with information on remuneration in the application of the Federal Compensation Ordinance. It is aimed equally at project developers, approval authorities and providers of planning services. An online seminar on 21 April 2021 will also provide information on this.
News · 12. March 2021
Work sought that enhances open space quality through imaginative use of plants. Deadline 15 May 2021
The International Ulmer Prize 2021 of the Karl Foerster Foundation for Applied Vegetation Science has been offered again. It is intended to recognise work by graduates and students that addresses the practice of plant use and contributes to enhancing open space quality through a creative and compelling approach.
News · 04. March 2021
Landscape Architecture