

10 News

Meeting with State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth - BMU

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bdla and BGL met State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth.

News · 17. August 2018

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Federal Ministry of the Interior defines its concept of home

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In the current legislative period, the Federal Ministry of the Interior is also responsible "for construction and home affairs".

News · 13. August 2018

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Landscape and energy transition - practical recommendations for action published

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One of the great challenges of the energy transition is to develop new design qualities for landscapes.

News · 08. August 2018

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Chinese delegation visits bdla

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Exchange on the training landscape and professional tasks.

News · 07. August 2018

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White Paper on Urban Greening now also published in English

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As is well known, the then Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety had launched a long-term initiative for greener cities.

News · 06. August 2018

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12th Building Culture Symposium of the AK Lower Saxony on Green Infrastructure. A film

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Traditionally, the Lower Saxony Chamber of Architects and the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protection organise an annual symposium on building culture in the state.

News · 16. July 2018

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Fee settlements for rescheduling and repeat services

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No project is completely linear; all planning is a process that sometimes involves back and forth and changes and revisions.

News · 15. June 2018

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Information on the award of contracts for the updating of landscape framework plans in Lower Saxony

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The preparation or updating of a landscape framework plan is a comprehensive undertaking.

News · 15. June 2018

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BIM in landscape architecture

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Issue 2/2018 of the bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" is dedicated to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and presents current experiences and assessments.

News · 15. June 2018

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BIM in landscape architecture

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Issue 2/2018 of the bdla association magazine "Landschaftsarchitekten" is dedicated to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and presents current experiences and assessments.

News · 15. June 2018

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