
Projekt PHOENIX – Eine neue Stadtlandschaft – Dreiklang der Stadtentwicklung, Dortmund; Foto: Jutta Sankowski

20 News - Nordrhein-Westfalen

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Forum Garden Planning again in the Seepark Zülpich

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On 12 April, the Garden Planning Forum will take place at Seepark Zülpich. This format is aimed at colleagues who focus on the planning of home gardens. With this event we offer the establishment of a network for planners.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 21. March 2018

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General meeting in Lünen - elections, honours and discussions

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On 15 March 2018 about 30 members and guests came to the 1st general meeting in the Haus der Kleingärtner in Lünen at the invitation of the bdla nw. As a guest Ina Bimberg, 1st chairwoman of the regional group, could welcome Ingeborg Paland, federal manager of the bdla federation. Michaal Mönig and Wolfgang Mueller were honoured for 50 years of membership in the bdla. A new face on the board is Prof. Rainer Sachse, who was also elected to the new position of spokesperson for universities.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 18. March 2018

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Elections at the FFL - Markus Illgas is new member of the presidium

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On March 14, 2018, the FLL General Assembly elected a new President and further members of the Executive Committee at the Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn. The bdla nw congratulates Markus Illgas, spokesman for sports facility planning bdla nw and bdla federal spokesman for construction technology and standards.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 17. March 2018

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Future issues and networking - 1st meeting of the new working group

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At the suggestion of our member Andreas Hermanns, a 1st meeting was held in Düsseldorf on Thursday 22/02/2018.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 17. March 2018

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Jury meeting nrw.landscapearchitecture.award 2018

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"Landscape architecture in North Rhine-Westphalia - from the house garden to the opera house, from the Glockenteichbach to the Rheinaue, from housing to corporate headquarters, from the square to the garden show - the bdla nw presents 30 contemporary, courageous and creative, quality and responsible projects and awards prizes to the outstanding works" explains Christian Jürgensmann, deputy chairman of the regional group NW of the bdla nw after the jury meeting on 21 February.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 04. March 2018

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Publication "Barrier-free sports facilities - perspectives and tips for inclusive sport".

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The Conference of Sports Ministers recommends that the information contained therein be observed and applied in the planning, construction and modernisation of sports facilities in order to achieve accessibility.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 28. January 2018

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Happy New Year!

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"The representation of the interests of all landscape architects rests on a few shoulders and the "owners" of these shoulders are - like their work - unknown to many. We also want to work towards making the high achievers more visible in 2018! A Happy New Year!", Ina Bimberg, Chairwoman of the regional group nw.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 31. December 2017

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Gardens of the Year Award Ceremony at Schloss Dyck on 7 February

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On 7 February 2018, the winners of the 2018 Gardens of the Year competition will be announced at Schloss Dyck. On this evening, the 50 best gardens of the year will be presented in an exhibition, which will then be on display for visitors to Schloss Dyck for several weeks in the Orangery.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 31. December 2017

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nrw.landscapearchitecture.award 2018 - compile application documents now

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"With the Landscape Architecture Award, we have now created a platform that communicates to the professional public the important role of landscape architecture in the canon of design and construction.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 19. November 2017

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Autumn meeting around the topic of BIM on 28 November in Essen

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Building Information Modeling (BIM) is currently the hot topic in the construction industry. According to experts, BIM will permanently change construction planning and all associated areas in the next few years.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 18. November 2017

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Representative meeting AK NW - bdla representative elected to the board and for the chairmanship of the committee landscape architects

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At the representatives' meeting on 14 October 2017, Karl-Heinz Danielzik, former chairman of the regional group and specialist spokesman for LAGL, was unanimously appointed to the board of the North Rhine-Westphalia Chamber of Architects.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 01. November 2017

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nrw.landscapearchitecture.award 2018

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From 1 November 2017, the "nrw.landschaftsarchitektur.preis 2018" will be announced for the seventh time. The competition documents will then be available for download on the bdla nw website. In 2004, the regional group of the bdla nw offered the North Rhine-Westphalian Landscape Architecture Award for the first time.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 30. October 2017

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New date on 26 August - European Green Capital Essen - Landscape Architects Tour North

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This year, the Garden Worlds event series of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group will focus on "European Green Capital - Essen". The focus is on parks and open spaces in the region that are of particular importance for the city's green and blue infrastructure.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 30. July 2017

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New date on 26 August - European Green Capital Essen - Landscape Architects Tour North (2)

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This year, the Garden Worlds event series of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group will focus on "European Green Capital - Essen". The focus is on parks and open spaces in the region that are of particular importance for the city's green and blue infrastructure.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 30. July 2017

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SommerTreff at the State Garden Show Bad Lippspringe

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The bdla nw would like to welcome you, your friends, families and colleagues to the SommerTreff. Under the motto of the State Horticultural Show "Flower splendour and forest idyll" we will explore the two parks of the LGS together.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 30. July 2017

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AKNW board of directors visited the state horticultural show Bad Lippspringe

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On July 11, the board of the AKNW visited the State Garden Show in Bad Lippspringe and traditionally planted a tree there. Karl-Heinz Danielzik, spokesman for the State Garden Show of the Association of German Landscape Architects and board member of the AK NW represented the bdla during this visit.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 27. July 2017

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Garden Worlds 2017 - European Green Capital Essen - LandschaftsarchitektTour West

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This year, the Garden Worlds event series of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group will focus on "European Green Capital - Essen". The focus is on parks and open spaces in the region that are of particular importance for the city's green and blue infrastructure.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 12. July 2017

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European Green Capital Essen - Landscape Architect Tour North

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This year, the Garden Worlds event series of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group will focus on "European Green Capital - Essen". The focus is on parks and open spaces in the region that are of particular importance for the city's green and blue infrastructure.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 08. June 2017

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bdla nw and Das planerFORUM at the STADT und RAUM area at FSB 2017

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Only a good 5 months to go until the fsb trade fair in Cologne opens its doors from 07 - 10.11.2017. As was the case 2 years ago, it would be important for the profession of landscape architects, and thus of course also for our association, if as many member offices as possible would again show their presence within the framework of the planerFORUM.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 31. May 2017

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Landscape architecture students at the state horticultural show in Bad Lippspringe

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More than 150 students from the universities of Ösnabrück and Höxter accepted the invitation of the Verband Garten-, -Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau NRW e.V. (NRW Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction Association) to gain inspiration and information for starting their careers on 17 May at the Landesgartenschau Bad Lippspringe 2017.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 22. May 2017

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