
Projekt PHOENIX – Eine neue Stadtlandschaft – Dreiklang der Stadtentwicklung, Dortmund; Foto: Jutta Sankowski

20 News - Nordrhein-Westfalen

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Interface Dialogues 2020

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bdla nw and VGL NRW invite you to a collegial exchange. This time, the topic is "Disruptions to the construction process on construction sites". In different lectures different aspects are illuminated, which can become particularly significant for a successful building site completion. In addition to process optimization and the handling of disruptions in the construction process, among other things due to aspects of species protection law and other obstructions in the construction process, there will be sufficient time for intensive discussions.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 15. December 2019

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Autumn meeting with lectures on mobility in the 21st century

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The autumn meeting will once again be characterised by collegial exchange and the discussion of exciting topics. The establishment of new forms of mobility in conurbations is one of the major issues of the future in the 21st century.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 27. October 2019

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bdla Day on 7 November at FSB in Cologne

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This year, for the third time, FSB is hosting the so-called bdla Day as part of the Planners' Forum. In the Rhineland, they already speak of customs. And that also applies to the topics that are dealt with on this day. Some landscape architects have been 'working on' the topics that have been (also) making the headlines lately for many years. As an innovation, this time there will be an approx. 4-hour, fee-based training course on  pdf "Pumptracks - the new roller sports facilities: planning, construction and safety instructions" (1.51 MB) .

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 03. October 2019

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Well-attended tour of the construction site of the future state garden show in Kamp-Lintfort

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More than 40 members from the two professional associations were welcomed by Matthias Lill, board of directors of Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, Landesgruppe nw, and Karl Jänike, Verband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau on Saturday, April 17, 2020 at the Zechenpark of the Landesgartenschau Kamp-Lintfort 2020 despite rainy and stormy weather.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 18. August 2019

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Construction site tour Landesgartenschau Kamp-Lintfort on 17 August 2019

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The Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla nw) and the NRW Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction Association (VGL) invite you to a joint site visit with the landscape architecture firms involved and the client. In 2020, the next State Garden Show in NRW will take place in Kamp-Lintfort. The work on the approx. 25 hectare large colliery park is in full swing.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 24. July 2019

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Climate adaptation strategies at Zeche Zollverein on 13 June

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The bdla nw is organising a full-day event in cooperation with the Bundesstiftung Baukultur. You can expect interesting lectures by internationally renowned speakers and exciting panel discussions. The event is recognized as a continuing education event for landscape architects, architects and urban planners with 3 hours. Registration deadline is June 7. The symposium is divided into three thematic sessions. <a class="doclink" href="/en/component/docman</p>%20%20%20</p>%20%20%20<p%20class=/"medium darkGrey ugp8"> News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 10. June 2019

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Climate adaptation strategies - event on 13 June at the Zeche Zollverein Coal

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The bdla nw is organising a full-day event in cooperation with the Bundesstiftung Baukultur. You can expect interesting lectures by internationally renowned speakers and exciting panel discussions. The event is recognized as a continuing education event for landscape architects, architects and urban planners with 3 hours. Registration deadline is June 7. The symposium is divided into three thematic sessions.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 01. May 2019

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Young talent competition Climate Garden at the State Horticultural Show Kamp-Lintfort 2020

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On 10 April 2019, the jury met under the chairmanship of Ina Bimberg, former chairwoman of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group and landscape architect from Iserlohn, to sift through and evaluate the projects submitted to the 9th bdla nw young talent competition. Three prizes and two commendations were unanimously awarded. The first prize for the design "THE HEAT" went to the Hamburg team Jenny Ohlenschlager (Hamburg, graduate of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences) and Lisa Brunnert (graduate of the University of Kassel).

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 11. April 2019

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Elected - New Executive Board in the North Rhine-Westphalia Regional Group

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At the general meeting on March 21, 2019, Ina Bimberg was bidden farewell as 1st chairperson. With his election as 1st chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects, Thomas Dietrich from the Oberhausen planner group, landscape architect from Essen, now takes over this task. Andreas Winter, landscape architect from Bielefeld, was elected to the office of 2nd Chairman OWL. The new spokesperson for open space planning is Isabella di Medici.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 24. March 2019

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Gardens of the Year - Award went to Volker Püschel in NRW

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Volker Püschel, landscape architect bdla from Mettmann, is the winner of the Gardens of the Year 2019 competition.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 10. February 2019

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Enquiries Young Talent Competition Kamp-Lintfort 2020 "Climate Garden

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Dear contest participants,

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 05. February 2019

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Safe playgrounds - living and learning space - seminar on 20 March for bdla members

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Knowing how children play and how they use playground equipment is a prerequisite for the safe design, planning and assessment of playgrounds.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 30. January 2019

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Review Forum Garden Planning at Schloss Dyck

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12 planners from North Rhine-Westphalia and a guest colleague from Hesse came together for the fifth Garden Planning Forum on 10 October. At the invitation of Bernd Franzen, gartenplus, die gartenarchitekten, and with the support of the Schloss Dyck Foundation, the conference took place in a special atmosphere.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 28. November 2018

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Autumn meeting of the bdla nw - IGA 2027 and new membership fees for junior members

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Ina Bimberg welcomed around 30 members and guests to the autumn meeting of the bdla nw on 22 November in the Baukunstarchiv NRW. The autumn meeting stands for interesting lectures and discussions.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 25. November 2018

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bdla nw at the company contact fair of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

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On 9 November, the two regional associations of Lower Saxony/Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia were represented with a joint stand at the company contact fair.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 18. November 2018

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Young talent competition for climate garden at the State Horticultural Show in Kamp-Lintfort 2020 announced

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The regional group of the bdla nw (federation of German landscape architects) accomplishes for years, in the meantime for the ninth time, together with the respective national horticultural show GmbH, a country wide new generation competition for landscape architects/inside.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 28. October 2018

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Invitation to the autumn meeting of the bdla nw on 22 November

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The autumn meeting will once again be a time for collegial exchange and discussion of exciting topics. The focus is on the IGA 2027. Members and guests are cordially invited.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 21. October 2018

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Short review - bdla at Spoga/Gafa

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Within the framework of the trade fair spoga/gafa in Cologne, the Practical Garden Day took place for the 5th time on 03.09.2018. Under the heading "Plants, Law, Facade Connections - Expertise for the Planning of Private Gardens " there were 5 lively and excellent content lectures.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 25. September 2018

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SommerTreff - The beauty of the Revier parks

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Ina Bimberg, 1st chairwoman of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group, welcomed around 30 guests to this year's summer get-together in the Gysenberg and Nienhausen district parks in fine weather.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 09. September 2018

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Review 2nd Meeting: Networking and future issues in landscape architecture

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On Wednesday, 22.08.2018 in Dortmund, the 2nd meeting with colleagues took place for the purpose of general and professional exchange of experience.The establishment of this regular round of talks goes back to an initiative of our colleague Andreas Hermanns from Schwalmtal.

News - Nordrhein-Westfalen · 27. August 2018

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