

10 Announcements

Presidium meeting: virtual for the time being, but bilingual

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The bdla presidium did not meet in the beautiful BUGA city of Erfurt on 18 June 2021, as had actually been planned, but once again (and hopefully for the last time) for a virtual meeting.

News Executive committee · 10. September 2021

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Presidium meeting: HOAI 202X, climate, election test stones

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The six-member Presidium met once again virtually on 17.04.2021.

News Executive committee · 11. June 2021

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Executive committee meeting: online seminars, HOAI 2021, open space plan

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The six-member bdla presidium met for a virtual meeting on 15 January 2021. The subject of the exchange was, of course, also the impact of the pandemic on the association, its tasks and services for the members.

News Executive committee · 12. March 2021

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Executive committee meeting: Pandemic and shortage of skilled workers/trainee concept

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The six-member bdla Executive committee met on 28 May 2020 for the first hybrid meeting in the history of the bdla.

News Executive committee · 14. September 2020

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Executive Committee meeting: Corona crisis, postponement of events, collection of dues

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On 3 April 2020, the members of the Executive committee met in the virtual GoToMeeting room. The two-hour meeting was thus characterized by concentrated debates and precise resolutions. The focus was on the foreseeable and potential consequences of the Corona crisis for the members and the association.

News Executive committee · 17. June 2020

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Executive Committee meeting: Need for skilled workers and "We shape the climate

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The six-member bdla Executive Committee continues to complete a considerably extensive work programme, which was updated in two Presidium meetings on 14.11.2019 and 22.01.2020.

News Executive committee · 12. March 2020

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Executive Committee meeting: Climate adaptation as a field of action

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On 29 August 2019, the Executive Committee met for its regular meeting in Berlin and had the expert speakers Prof. Ulrike Böhm (Urban Development

News Executive committee · 16. December 2019

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Executive Committee meeting: Review and sharpen fields of action

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The Executive Committee met in the BUGA city of Heilbronn on 23 May 2019.

News Executive committee · 12. September 2019

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Presidium meeting: Urban development funding and urban nature master plan under discussion

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The Executive Committee has regularly dealt with urban development funding. The further development from 2020 is a mandate from the coalition agreement.

News Executive committee · 15. March 2019

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Presidium meeting: Advisory Board resolutions being implemented

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At the Governing Board meeting on June 7, 2018, the decisions from the Advisory Board meeting needed to be put into action.

News Executive committee · 15. September 2018

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