
Bild: D. v. Dressler

10 News - Niedersachsen+Bremen

Water-resilient urban development and open space planning on 23.09.2022

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The bdla Lower Saxony and Bremen and the Bündnis grünes bremen are jointly organizing a symposium on "Water-Resilient Urban Development and Open Space Planning in Northwest Germany" in Bremen and online under the motto "Think globally - act locally".

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 12. July 2022

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FREIRAUMERLEBEN - times completely differently

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To understand open spaces, you have to explore them. Preferably on foot, with all senses and in unusual ways.

This year, the BDLA is whetting your appetite for green - through movement: creeping, crawling, running, meandering, climbing, rolling...

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 30. May 2022

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New board elected

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At the General Meeting on May 20, 2022, a new Board of Directors was elected in the Lower Saxony Bremen Regional Association as scheduled.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 25. May 2022

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Real Estate Arena in Hanover on May 18/19

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The Chamber of Architects, universities and associations will be making a joint presentation at the ressource.architektur stand in Hall 23 at the exhibition center.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 04. May 2022

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General meeting in Bad Gandersheim

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the general meeting will take place this year in Bad Gandersheim.

Date May 20, 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Place: Rose café in the monastery Brunshausen, Brunshausen 7, 37581 Bad Gandersheim

At 2:00 p.m., the winners of the young talent competition will also be awarded there.

Following the award ceremony, the walk through the State Garden Show grounds will start, accompanied by the planner Franziska Schadzek, nsp landschaftsarchitekten stadtplaner schonhoff schadzek depenbrock and the planner of the perennial plantings, Heiner Luz.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 28. April 2022

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Extension: Competition FirmenGärten 2022 - Hotels and restaurants

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The new edition of the FirmenGärten competition will be relaunched in 2022! The DEHOGA regional associations of Lower Saxony and Bremen, the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla Lower Saxony Bremen), the BUND regional associations of Lower Saxony and Bremen, Tourismus Marketing Niedersachsen (TMN) and the Association of Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction Lower Saxony-Bremen (VGL) are jointly looking for the most beautiful and creative outdoor facilities that the hospitality industry in Lower Saxony and Bremen has to offer! Whether shady outside places in the city center or extensive views in the rural environment; whether hotel, restaurant, Bistro, Café, inn or beer garden - we look forward to many exciting as well as creative competition entries. Applications are now open!

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 23. April 2022

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Study-Up Award - Sponsorship Award of the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen goes to Mathis Hurst

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At the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, sponsorship prizes are awarded every year for outstanding achievements. The bdla Lower Saxony Bremen donates for the second time a prize for final theses of students in the fields of open space planning (B.Eng.), landscape development (B.Eng.), landscape construction (B.Eng.), landscape architecture (M.Eng.) and landscape architecture (M.Eng.) (Bachelor's and Master's theses) in order to promote creative young talent.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 30. March 2022

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nrw.landschaftsarchitektur.preis 2022 juried

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On 25 March, the jury meeting of the nrw.landschaftsarchitektur.preis 2022 took place at the Chamber of Architects in Düsseldorf under the chairmanship of Prof. Hans-Peter Rohler, landscape architect Kassel/Höxter. Landscape architecture in North Rhine-Westphalia - from playgrounds to residential environments to city squares, from inner courtyards to complete river landscapes, from the historic centre of Cologne to the State Garden Show, the spectrum of the 32 entries this year ranges. "By opening up the award to projects of a conceptual nature, we are showing for the first time what the profession is capable of achieving beyond classical object planning in monument and landscape protection, in matters of climate adaptation and ecological revitalisation," Christian Jürgensmann, competition spokesperson and member of the competition committee, said happily after the jury meeting in March.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 29. March 2022

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Compulsory continuing education in Lower Saxony

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Lifelong learning is a matter of course in a technologically rapidly developing society. Continuous social changes in times of globalization also force all qualified professions to engage in ongoing training.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 01. February 2022

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New - Junior membership in AKNDS

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The introduction of a voluntary junior membership in the AKNDS introduces a temporary membership for graduates of the planning study programs on a voluntary basis.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 01. February 2022

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