
Bild: D. v. Dressler

10 News - Niedersachsen+Bremen

Future plans - bdla Lower Saxony Bremen members' meeting on June 9 in Bad Nenndorf

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Three years before the next State Garden Show, this year's general meeting will take place in Bad Nenndorf.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 07. May 2023

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Floating gardens at the state horticultural show in Bad Gandersheim

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Since the beginning of the State Garden Show in Bad Gandersheim, the "Floating Gardens" can be admired on one of the Osterberg lakes. They are the result of a competition for young designers organized by the Lower Saxony Bremen Regional Association. This was won by the graduates of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences Dorothee Harms, Teelke Limbeck and Lina Anna Harders-Sistig, with their installation "When water meets water".

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 26. April 2023

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StudyUp Award 2022 - Sponsorship Award of the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen goes to Jan Felix Rennack

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At the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, sponsorship prizes are awarded every year for outstanding achievements. For the third time, the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen donates a prize for final theses of students in the fields of open space planning (B.Eng.), landscape development (B.Eng.), landscape construction (B.Eng.), landscape architecture (M.Eng.) and landscape architecture (M.Eng.) (Bachelor's and Master's theses) in order to promote creative young talent.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 07. March 2023

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bdla successful in chamber election

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All Kanditdat:innen of the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen were selected into the representative assembly.

Thus, Astrid Adam, Gwendolyn Kusters, Monika Sprengel, Christoph Schonfhoff and Paul Tontsch will ambitiously represent the interests of both freelance and employed colleagues and juniors in the Chamber of Architects of Lower Saxony.

At the consitutating meeting of the representative assembly of the AKNDS on 16.02.2023, the previous president Robert Marlow was confirmed in office. Christoph Schonhoff and Gwendolyn Kusters were elected to the board of the chamber.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 19. February 2023

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Get to know the employees of tomorrow - participate in the Future Day on April 27.

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The shortage of skilled workers is getting worse, also in landscape architecture. That's why landscape architecture firms in Lower Saxony and Bremen are also in demand: We can show students how they can shape their future sustainably. And the exchange with young people is fun!

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 17. February 2023

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Equal opportunities and diversity in landscape architecture - strategy workshop of the AG Gendergerechter bdla

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With the planned renaming of the bdla, a process was started last year to put the association and the profession to the test and to initiate important changes for more equal opportunities and diversity.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 17. February 2023

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CompanyGardens competition 2022 decided

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At the final event of the FirmenGärten competition, representatives of the Verband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau Niedersachsen-Bremen e. V. (VGL Lower Saxony-Bremen), DEHOGA Lower Saxony and Bremen, the state associations of BUND and the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten (BDLA) met on November 16, 2022. Over 60 applications reached the VGL Lower Saxony-Bremen, which launched the competition.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 18. November 2022

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Lower Saxony - Chamber election 2022

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With the bdla in the team

Current urban development issues can only be solved if all planning disciplines work together at an early stage and on an equal footing. This team idea is not new, but it has become all the more compelling and should be brought into the chamber's work with emphasis and commitment.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 02. November 2022

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Bremen City Dialogue - Aesthetics of a Sustainable Cycle-Oriented Architecture

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The Bremen City Dialogue, in which bdla Lower Saxony Bremen is involved, is an integral part of local building culture. Since 2005, urban developments, current competitions or general questions about architecture, landscape and space in Bremen and Bremerhaven have been publicly discussed within its framework.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 20. October 2022

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Competition landmarks decided

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Five places in Lower Saxony will be given a special radiance in the next few years through interventions that will shape their townscape. Which places these are and which projects are to be implemented were decided in July 2022 by an interdisciplinary jury headed by landscape architect Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher from the Technical University of Munich.

News - Niedersachsen+Bremen · 20. July 2022

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